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1.1 Green Buildings Characteristics
Green buildings are also known as a sustainable or high performance building, whether it is classified as residential or non-
residential building such as an office, a school, a hospital, a community center, or any other type of structures. The green buildings
have less impact on the environment compare to conventional buildings in terms of site planning and development, indoor
environmental quality, material resources, energy efficiency and water efficiency. In addition, the expected output of a green building
is that it will use less energy, less water, produce less waste and create a more live able environment for its habitants and surrounding
community, throughout the building’s lifetime. It is working towards zero fossil fuel use, zero greenhouse gas emissions, zero potable
water use and zero sanitary waste entering municipal systems. Figure 1 shows the conceptual drawings indicating components of green
building, illustrated by F Çiner and N Doan-Salamtimur (2019).
Figure 1
Conceptual drawings indicating components of green building
(F Çiner and N Doan-Salamtimur, 2019)
Many benefits can be obtained by adopting green building strategies especially if the design and construction team takes an
integrated approach from the earliest stages of a building project apart from renovation and deconstruction stage. A green building
may cost more up front, but saves through lower operating costs over the life of the building. The financial benefits of green buildings
include lower energy, waste disposal, and water costs, lower environmental and emissions costs, lower operations and maintenance
costs, and savings from increased productivity and health. Thus, design strategies in the initial stages of a building project are crucial
to maximize both economic and environmental performance.
The Green Building Index (GBI) rating system for new constructions evaluates the overall performance of a building by the
following criteria (GBI, 2009);
• Energy efficiency (35 points): Energy efficient design of the building envelope, heating and cooling systems
• Indoor environmental quality (21 points): Reduction of exposure to pollutants in order to improve indoor air quality.
• Sustainable site planning and management (16 points): Minimization of the negative impacts of the project on the site
• Materials and resources (11 points): Selection of environmentally friendly materials, efficient use of materials, minimization of
construction waste
• Water efficiency (10 points): Measures to enhance efficient usage of water
• Innovation and design process (7 points): Special design methods, and excellent performance levels
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