Page 49 - USA Semperfli Catalogue 2018
P. 49

Page 49
                                       Flies Tied With Quick Dub & Quick Dub Glint

                                                                                           UV Baetis

                                                                              Hook          Nymph

                                                                              Thread        18/0 Nano Silk
                                                                              Tails         Barred Mallard

                                                                              Body          Quick Dub Glint

                                                                              Thorax        Quick Dub Solid
                                                                              Wing Case     Medallion Sheeting

                                                                              Flashback     UV Flashabou

                                                                              Shell   Back  No Tack UV resin

                                                                              Baetis  are  prevalent  in  so  many  waters,
                         Paul Shurtleff                                       great baetis patterns are fundamental for fly
                                                                              tyers and fishing

                       Sunshine Stone

           Hook:              Heavy wire jig

           Bead:              Black 3.2mm tungsten
           Thread:            Orange 12/0 Nano Silk

           Tail               Semperfli Orange Micro
                              Glint with stray fibers from
                              Orange Nano Silk

           Rib                Semperfli 0.2 Copper wire

           Body               Sunburst Orange Solid
                              Quick Dub

           Collar             Straggle String Camel

           When only stoneflies will do jig this fly along the
           river bottom                                            John W Gooderham

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