Page 57 - USA Semperfli Catalogue 2018
P. 57

Page 57
                                      No Tack UV Resin - New For 2018

                                                                               Part Numbers

                                                         Part No        Color                        Barcode
                                                         sem-nt-thin    No Tack UV Thin & Fast    886741591768

                                                              See our new USB Rechargeable UV Resin Torch Here

                   No Tack UV SRP $28.00

                          Specifications                                        Description

           •    Set with 365 to 395nm UV Torch          This is one of our exciting new product introductions for 2018. There
           •    Cure time 3 secs to 10 seconds (depending   are resins on the market however some simply do not set right through
                on torch strength)                      the resin, some are tacky and their manufacturers advise varnish on
                                                        top. Some resins do not cure all the way through, as a result water
           •    Alternatively leave in sunlight for slow cure   ingress into the fly through the uncured resin results in the fly materials
           •    20ml per bottle                         falling apart.
           •    Store at 8c to 28c
                                                        The Semperfli team looked at the products available and decided to
                                                        develop its own range of resins. Our design specifications were that it
                                Hint                    must be fast setting and have a hard glossy surface. The name was
                                                        obvious,  No  Tack  UV  Resin.  We  worked  with  chemists  and
                                                        manufacturers  to  ensure  that  we  developed  a  resin  that  was  thin,
           Only use an old bodkin for molding No Tack. Keep   getting into all of the Fibers and strands of the head of a fly and setting
           a spare as the ideal molding tool to push No Tack   right through the resin leaving no ‘uncured’ resin below the surface
           UV  where required  on  your fly.  Keep  your best   ensuring that the resin holds the fly together.
           bodkin for separating Fibers or for splitting Nano
           Silk  to  form  dubbing  loops!  Alternatively  use  a   No Tack has among the fastest cure times of any UV Resin on the
           small  artists  painting  brush  and  paint  No  Tack   market!
           onto your fly

                                                        No Tack Thin has the viscosity of motor oil, making it easy to apply.
                                                        It does not set immediately and can be moulded around the head or
                                                        body of the fly.  We use an old bodkin just for this purpose.

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