Page 8 - 2018 Semperfli Catalogue 2018 v100 Euro Pricing_Neat
P. 8
Page 8
Nano Silk 50D 12/0
Part Numbers
Part No Color Barcode
nano-blk Black 886741026598
nano-bown Brown 886741026604
nano-cop Copper 886741026611
nano-gry Grey 886741026628
nano-lt-olv Olive 886741026635
nano-org Orange 886741026642
nano-pink Pink 886741036283
nano-red Red 886741036276
SRP € 4.30 nano-wht White 886741026659
nano-yel Yellow 886741026666
Bulk 250m Spool White Only See Bulk Spools
Specifications Description
• Specially formulated Gel Spun Polyethylene Nano Silk is regarded as the tying thread of choice of
• 50 Denier professional fly tyers worldwide. Being so super strong and
available in such a variety of colors and deniers it has endless
• Thread Aught (or /0 sizing) 12/0 possibilities and can be used for micro flies to medium flies.
• Breaking Strain 1,900gm 4.2lb Virtually unbreakable and still capable of being split down for
dubbing twists there is no fly tying thread as strong as Nano Silk
• Recommended hook size guide #8-#18
• 50m per spool
Because Nano Silk lays perfectly flay you get no thread Hints
build up. Indeed check out our video where we put 100
wraps on a thread and you still have no head buildup!
If you rotate Nano Silk anti clockwise to untwist (it has 100 twists
per meter to keep the thread together) it will lay perfectly flat,
With Nano Silk you will have confidence that even the it can be used for foam or split for a dubbing loop with a fine
smallest of flies can be tied without your thread needle.
breaking! Strength 10 times stronger than high quality
stainless steel of same diameter White Nano Silk can be dyed with a simple permanent marker
pen for any color you may desire. Alternatively, the last 4”
100mm can be colored with a marker pen for a head.
As with ALL GSP type threads Nano
Silk must be used with a ceramic
bobbin holder.
It is recommended that you use a craft
30D 18/0 50D 12/0 100D 6/0 200D 3/0 blade or razor blade to cut Nano Silk.
Ideal for Ideal for Ideal for Ideal for It is extremely tough, please don’t use
flies sizes flies sizes salmon & predator & your best scissors!
16 to 32 8 to 16 predator saltwater
flies flies
@semperfli @semperfli_flytying/