Page 37 - The Next Ten Years
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  “A Healthier Wales” – 2018 – the basic message is to adopt a “whole-system approach which is focused on health and well-being, and on preventing physical and mental illness”. It lists five key ways to change health and social care9
6.4 Philosophy and Approach behind BWBP Proposals
6.4.1 Guiding Principles and Themes
As well as the five principles of the Sustainable Development Principle as advocated by the Well-being for Future Generations Commissioner, and the policies, advice and themes listed above, BWBP is guided by awareness of the cross-cutting themes representing the following needs:
 Young People need affordable housing, ideally in a cluster such as multi- generational co-housing, enabling greater levels of collaboration and sharing, reduced carbon emissions and costs savings, and access to family support. They need an effective transport system to access employment and, ideally, locally-based employment. As young families, they need close access to health and care services and a nurturing and supportive social network. Homelessness, much of which can be hidden, is also best tackled locally and with a supportive, local community, can be largely avoided.
 Older People need affordable housing designed for their needs and which enables them to stay longer in their homes. They need effective transport to access services and, ideally the majority of those services should be available in the local community. They need a vibrant social structure to combat isolation and loneliness, ideally based on a multi-generational co-housing cluster, balancing independence with the dignity of involvement, and easy access to family. As with younger people, they need to be able to maintain and contribute to strong links with their communities.
 Health and Well-being support needs to be locally accessible, with services close by and as comprehensive as possible. Well-being is seen as being delivered in a wide variety of ways, including interface with nature, social collaboration and complementary health and well-being treatments readily available in the community, as well as through the Community Hospital.
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   ©Bronllys Well Being Park (CLT) Limited 2020
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