Page 15 - CAMPAIGN Spring 2022
P. 15

many similar papers had been produced in the past and proved to be inconclusive.
I was the main witness at the test case for nuclear veterans in 2011 before Judge Foskett and had been shown many similar papers which were deemed “inconclusive.” I realised that I had been used to stand up a story, but I am used to that and shrugged it off.
I have got Stage 4 lung cancer and other ailments and didn’t want to get involved in any controversy.
A few weeks later I was told the report was being used to bolster a medal campaign by the Daily Mirror and a veterans organisation called Labrats. MP Rebecca Long-Bailey in a PMQ referred to it specifically.
I was slightly annoyed because both Mr Rimmer and myself have always shied away from making the nuclear veterans’ case political. Mr Rimmer wrote to the CEO of the current BNTVA, Ms Ceri McDade, expressing in level-headed terms our views that there was nothing new in the reporter’s “scoop” and that most veterans were not that bothered about receiving a medal.
It was duly published, drawing a mixed bag of responses, as you would expect.
The response I didn’t expect was a telephone call from the reporter a few days later. After giving me details of a veteran from Edinburgh who wanted to get in touch, the reporter proceeded to make certain allegations against Ms McDade. The reporter told me that Ms McDade had been given a car by the Japanese Hibakusha organisation. And that she and her husband were drawing salaries from the BNTVA charity. The reporter implied Ms McDade was living the high life.
I didn’t know what to think about all this and soon shut off the conversation. But I was upset and worried by what they had said. I have only recently spoken to Ms McDade for the first time and have been impressed by her commitment. I don’t want to think badly of her, which was the clear intention of the reporter.
I am also annoyed because I have told the reporter in the past that because of my illness, and the fact that my wife is also very ill, that I didn’t want to get involved in the internal strife and politics of the nuclear veterans.
Nuclear veterans are far too important than to be involved in all this.
I believe that the BNTVA should now cut off all association with this campaign for a medal as it is based on lies and half-truths. If it is allowed to succeed it will be a betrayal of all nuclear veterans who have sacrificed everything for their country.
Yours sincerely,
Ken McGinley
  BNTVA Coffin Drape
For those who are recently bereaved, the BNTVA offers a coffin drape with the BNTVA crest at no cost to those who require it.
 The drape is sent directly from the BNTVA to the undertaker for use during the funeral, and then the undertaker returns the drape to the BNTVA.
Please contact 0208 144 3080 if you require this service, or if you feel you need any bereavement support. We are here to help.
We would like to thank Michelle Harding, descendant, for giving her permission for us to share this photograph of the funeral of her father, Michael Peter White RN, HMS Narvik.

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