Page 3 - CAMPAIGN Spring 2022
P. 3
A Message from the Chair
Dear Members,
I have not been a Trustee for very long, in fact I am the junior member in terms of length of service, and chair from November 2021. This in some ways is an advantage as I have a fresh start. I am fortunate as we have a great team committed to developing our progress. Our CEO Ceri McDade is energetic, enthusiastic and vigorous in support of our veterans.
I was recruited at the ripe old age of 83 and consequently the passing of time is extremely important to me. I wish to use my time well and bring as much help and support that I can towards the BNTVA trustees, and veterans whether members or not.
There is a lot to be done and as for veterans there isn’t huge amounts of time to do it, with our average age also being 85.
One of my aims is to identify as many non-member veterans as possible and inform them of the help and support they can receive. One simple and effective way is to wear the BNTVA badge. The winter warmer gilet and other clothing have the badge on this can be a signal to stimulate conversation and remind society that the nuclear programme did take place and our veterans were in the thick of it (literally).
My own experience is that during the last few months outside of lockdown, wearing the badge has resulted in many interesting conversations and identified several non-member veterans.
I encourage all involved to wear the badge with pride. In these difficult times keep calm and carry on.
Ed McGrath BNTVA Chair November 2021
Edmund McGrath
David Bostwick
Vice Chair
John McDade
Michelle Harding
Wesley Perriman
Shelly Grigg
Fallout Representative
Andi Jones
Monte Bello Representative
funded by the Veterans' Foundation
Ceri McDade
Ian Razzell
Community Engagement Officer
We want to hear from you.
If you would like us to interview you about your time spent at the British nuclear tests, or if you'd like to share any stories in our next magazine.
Please email, phone 0208 144 3080 or write to BNTVA, The Smithy
Defynnog, Brecon
Powys LD3 8SB