Page 3 - Yacht Crew Recruitment & Training
P. 3

From our Founder.
When I started my journey in yachting 25 years ago, I would never have believed how this was going
to turn out. As a business owner and IAMI board member, I have had the unique privilege to witness
yachting at its very best, but also at its worst.
Five years ago, we moved back to the UK from France. I was a broken man, leading a broken team and
struggling to find purpose. Today, I can reflect honestly and openly as to why that was: a culmination of
addiction, poor time management, bad company processes, slack HR and failed leadership.
Today, in my sobriety and with a newfound purpose, I'm dedicated to self-improvement and fostering
growth in others, working alongside exceptional students, partners, staff and trainers to empower
individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in their yachting careers.
No matter your role, we have a collective responsibility for the overarching welfare and mentorship of those
we lead, something that is often neglected due to a lack of time, budget, training or experience.
As a leader, I have to be consistent, kind and professional. I believe in empowering my team, trusting them
to make informed decisions within their roles. This allows us to provide exceptional service that consistently
delights our valued clients. I take ownership of our company's direction, but recognize that our success is
a team effort. My team's expertise, dedication, and unwavering support are what make this company
thrive, and for that, I am immensely grateful.
This brochure shows you how far we have come in the last five years and the exciting things on the horizon.
This includes building a team of recruiters and trainers with specialist knowledge and hands-on experience
in the roles they work with (page 5) and a suite of 200+ training programs and bespoke onboard and
land-based services.
Plus, our latest development, Kelp, which enhances and streamlines the entire crew journey. A culmination
of five years of hard work from a small team of content and platform builders, it creates the ultimate career
pathway from orientation to onboarding, HR to operations, and SOPs to CPD. This reduces crew turnover
and creates stronger, happier and more effective teams, saving owners and crew time, energy and money.
Read more on page 56.
Thank you to everyone who has joined us on this journey so far, and to those just stepping on board,
Thank you to everyone...
Andrew Roch

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