Page 5 - Yacht Crew Recruitment & Training
P. 5

01 About
Welcome 01
What we offer 02
The Crew Lifecycle 04
Meet the team 05
02 Attract
How to attract the right people to your team 07
What do you want? 07
What can you offer? 07
03 Recruit
The hidden cost of recruitment 09
Our recruitment services 10
Our approach 11
How to advertise your role 11
How to craft the perfect job description 12
How to build a loyal team 13
Departments 14
Code of conduct 16
How to get the most out of working with a Crew Agency 17
Land Based Services 19
04 Train
Yacht Training Courses 20
Managing Personal Development 20
Key Benefits of Regular Crew Training 21
Virtual Learning Environment 23
Bespoke Training 24
Training courses: 25
• Onboard 26
• Leadership 29
• Purser & Administration 32
• Interior 39
• Mental Health 53
05 Retain
Introducing Kelp 56

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