Page 30 - Lower Chapel Show 2022
P. 30

COOKERY & CRAFT SECTION\u000ADomestic Secretary Mrs Sam Thomas Stewards Mrs Anona Lewis & Mrs Nicky Williams Judge Jan Powell\u000AJUDGING WILL COMMENCE AT 12.30pm.\u000AENTRY 20p PRIZES \u00A32, \u00A31.50 & \u00A31\u000APlease do not remove exhibits before 4.30 pm.\u000ACups given to the competitors with the most points in Classes 1- 17 & 18 \u2013 31. Staging of exhibits commences at 9.30am.\u000ANot to be removed before 4.30 pm\u000AEXHIBITS IN THE CRAFT SECTION MUST NOT\u000AHAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SHOWN IN LOWER CHAPEL SHOW\u000AOPEN SECTION\u000A1. 4 Decorated Cup Cakes Jubilee Themed\u000A2. 2 Large Sausage Rolls\u000A3. White Chocolate & Raspberry Sponge\u000A4. 4 Chocolate Brownies\u000A5. Cherry Cake\u000A6. 4 Jam Tarts\u000A7. Handmade Granary Loaf\u000A8. Jar of Fruit Jam\u000A9. 4 Brown Eggs\u000A10. 4 White Eggs\u000A11. Limerick- \u201CWhen The Queen came to Visit\u201D\u000A12. Sheep \u2013 Any Medium\u000A13. Handmade gift from Wales for the Queen\u000A14. Hand Knitted Childs Cardigan\u000A15. Decorated Terracotta Plant Pot. 11.2cm Diameter\u000A16. Photograph to make us Smile\u000A17. 6 Flag Homemade Jubilee Bunting\u000A28 LOWER CHAPEL & DISTRICT SHEEPDOG SOCIETY\u000A

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