Page 32 - Lower Chapel Show 2022
P. 32
VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SECTION\u000ASecretary Miss L Stephens Stewards Mr C & Mrs P Greengrass Judge TBC STAGING OF EXHIBITS COMMENCES AT 9.30AM.\u000ANOT TO BE REMOVED BEFORE 4.30PM.\u000AENTRY SYSTEM Each exhibit must have the exhibitors name in a sealed envelope with the Class number on. This will be placed under each exhibit. Exhibits must be the sole effort of the exhibitor.\u000AENTRY 20p PRIZES \u00A32, \u00A31.50 & \u00A31 CLASSES 30 & 37 \u00A34, \u00A33 & \u00A32 OPEN FLOWER CLASS\u000A1. 3 Dahlias, decorative 6.\u000A2. 6 Stems of Sweet Peas 7.\u000A3. 3 Blooms of Cactus Dahlias 8.\u000A4. 3 Blooms of Pom Pom Dahlias 9.\u000A5. Best Pot Plant Foliage 10.\u000ABest Cactus in Pot\u000ABest Fuchsia Bush or shrub, 7\u201D max 3 Blooms of Roses\u000ABest Flowering Plant 7\u201D Pot max Single Gladioli Spike\u000A Paddy Sweeney\u000A(Butchers) Ltd\u000ACooked meats, Welsh Lamb, Beef, Pork and Game\u000A 9-12 Market Arcade, Brecon\u000ATel: 01874 623428\u000AQuality locally farmed produce\u000Afresh from the farm to the table\u000A !\u000A!(*+&\u000AYOU DON\u2019T HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO ENJOY OUR WONDERFUL SURROUNDINGS\u000A!\u0022#$%\u0027((\u0022()%*\u0022+,&%-*+.%#$+%/.+0-(% /+10-(&2%3-\u0027%01(%+(4-3%1%5+1\u0027#\u00226\u0027773% $-8+%0--9+:%8+17%\u0022(%-\u0027.% 0-86-.#157+%.+\u0027.1(#;%\u000A!$+#$+.%3-\u0027%(++:%1%0-<3%#157+%6-.%=% -.%1%71.)+%>1.#3%-\u0027.%?$+6%1(:%$\u0022&% ¦%1.+%$+.+%#-%-66+.%3-\u0027%1%,1.8% ,+70-8+;%%\u000A@-#%$\u0027().3A%B\u0027%0177%\u0022(%6-.%1%:.\u0022(9% \u0022(%-\u0027.%6.\u0022+(:73%51.;%\u000A!\u0022#$%!&\u0027%()&\u000A !\u000A\u0022#$%&\u0027&()%*! +&),-!\u000A.#/0!1! .)2(30&%$!\u000A4/)#*!5336!\u000A722!3%!839/! :33/-*);!\u000A!\u000A <=7:><!4>?5!<?@A!\u000A\u0022#$%&\u0027#!\u0022(\u0027)! *\u0027#+%$!\u000A! ,,,-+\u0027(.%+-+%-/)!\u000A01234!567582!\u000A9%!:%%)!(!9(:;#! %\u0027!+(;;!<$!9%!=##!/=-! !\u000A 30 LOWER CHAPEL & DISTRICT SHEEPDOG SOCIETY\u000A