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Speciality Course
Spirits & Mixology Mastery
Bespoke and tailor made to cater to all and any crew (interior and exterior) who are wanting to better understand, create and add flare to their cocktail creations.
An intoxicatingly fun and hands-on course, with a minimum of 1 day, it covers all elements set out in the GUEST Certifications Guidelines for the following modules;
GUEST Certifications
• AdvancedBartendingandMixologyModule1–1day • AdvancedBartendingandMixologyModule2–2days
Course Outline
This course breaks down bar basics, equipment, basic spirits knowledge, fundamentals of mixing and making cocktails, stylish service and how to adapt techniques and skills to the yacht environment.
The practical element allows each student to make 7-16 different cocktails and variations, create a cocktail menu and challenge themselves by creating a beverage with a mix of challenging ingredients.
Key Outcomes
All passing students are accredited with a GUEST Certificate – 100% attendance rate required.
Prices vary depending on length of course and location of training.
Number of delegates per course is a minimum of two and maximum of six to ensure optimal training results.
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