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Resources and Challenges Cont.

          5. COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE for ICT Educators – Australian Computer Society

          Join Now
          ACS is pleased to advise the deployment of Communities of Practice – ICT Educators in beta.
          Communities of Practice is a new online discussion forum designed to connect teachers and educators to communicate
          and collaborate on the Digital Technologies Curriculum.
          An Acceptable Use Policy can also be found in the User Guide (go to Resource Centre) and the homepage of the
          Communities of Practice.

          6. THE GAME CHANGER AWARDS 2019
          Finals on 23rd November, 2019
          Register now!
          Apply STEM principles to help solve or improve real-world problems! Start preparing your teams and their entries for
          this year. All that teams need is a project, and to demonstrate the use of STEM principles in its completion to compete.
          Existing or past projects are fine!
          •    Years 3/4, Years 5/6, Years 7/8, Years 9/10

          Categories for 2019
          •    CONSERVATION - ways to help save the planet
          •    SMART CITIES - finding better ways to live and work together
          •    EXPLORATION & NEW FRONTIERS - pushing the boundaries on earth and beyond
          •    UTILITIES AND ESSENTIAL SERVICES - using or improving essential services in any way

          Jessica Smith, Leader, National Copyright Unit, COAG Education Council. Questions to:
          Some jurisdictions are taking steps to confirm with stock image organisations/libraries (e.g. Getty images, Shutterstock,
          iStock, bigstock) that the licences they have with these organisations cover educational use by their students.
          Obtaining this confirmation would mean that you have direct permission to use the materials for educational
          purposes, which means it will not fall under the statutory licence. Some suggested language that could be used in your
          emails to the stock image organisations that you have licences/agreements with:
          “Can you please confirm via reply email that the materials licensed under the [licence/agreement information] can be
          used, reproduced and communicated for the educational purposes of [Educational body] and their students. In particular,
          can you please confirm that permission has been granted to make further copies of the material for students and to
          communicate the material to teachers and students (e.g. to upload it onto a password protected LMS for students and
          teachers to access or to email it to students).“

          Once you know that you have direct permission to use the materials for educational purposes, the material should be
          labelled accordingly. Suggested language:
          “Reproduced and made available for copying and communication by [insert name of school or educational body] for [its]
          educational purposes with the permission of [name copyright owner].”

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