Page 20 - Libro_MariaA_26agosto
P. 20

María Alejandra Ramelli

              On the other hand, when you own a horse you become a forward-thinking
            person because you have to think about a lot of stuff at the same time: Did my
            horse exercise today? When is his next vaccine? How am I going to prepare my
            horse for the next show? When is the next farrier visit? Is my horse’s stall clean?
            Does my horse have enough water? Why is my horse doing this? Did my horse
            eat today? When is the next vet check? Even when you have a busy day or you
            are on vacation, you never stop thinking about your horse and his welfare. You
            can’t take a break from them. With horses, it’s very important to be organized,
            or they may drive you crazy. I usually have a notebook where I write down
            everything that has to do with my horse, so that I never forget about anything.

                                                           Finally, owning a horse
                                                         teaches you the real meaning
                                                         of teamwork. Even though
                                                         equestrian sports are usually
                                                         known as individual sports, I
                                                         am here to tell you that they
                                                         are team sports.  Your  team-
                                                         mate is your horse. Without
                                                         your  horse, you can’t  be a
                                                         rider, thus you can’t do an-
                                                         ything. As time goes by, you
                                                         start  getting  to  know  your
                                                         horse  better,  and  your  hor-
                                                         se gets to know you too. The
                                                         bond that you create with
                                                         your horse becomes  an un-
                                                         breakable one, and once you
                                                         understand each other, you
                                                         become unstoppable. You will
                                                         learn your horse’s personali-
                                                         ty, likes, dislikes, and you’re
                                                         going to get to the point whe-
                                                         re with one simple move, you
                                                         can predict exactly what your
                                                         horse is going to do. In the
                                                         same way, your horse starts
                                                         to know you so well that even
                                                         the smallest move will deliver
            the message, and your horse will react right away. Your relationship with your
            horse will show you how great human-animal friendship is. I wouldn’t change the
            bonds that I’ve create with my horses for anything in the world.

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