Page 2 - Ting_Portfolio
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                 "I think she has done a really great jobs! Very e cient and takes direction very well. Not   PORTFOLIO & CONTACT
                 afraid to ask questions (which I Love :)) and she is INCREDIBLE at pulling together fabric/
                 color palettes!  Not to mention, she’s a boss on CAD!" – Colleague A
                 "It has been such a pleasure working with Ting over these few months.  She is extremely
                 e cient  and is always looking to help all of us.  Ting has amazing AutoCAD skills and
                 when she isn’t sure on how to do something she researches how to make it happen.  From   (917) 755-1633
                 personally  working with  her, it  has always been  a positive experience and  I  love her
                 alwasys positive energy. I have so much respect for her coming to NYC for her education
                 and career. Overall, it has been a pleasure!" – Colleague B

                 New York School of Interior Design                                    New York, NY
                 Master  of Professional Study in          August 2017                                                                                                                                LAUNCH STUDIO
                 Sustainable Interior Environments                                                                 LANGUAGE                                                             01

                 Iowa State University                                                                               Ames, IA                                                                         Workplace Design
                 BFA Interior Design, CIDA accredited                                                            August 2016  English
                WORK EXPERIENCE                                                 Mandarin
                 Foley & Cox Interiors               Interior Design Intern.    SKILL
                 New York, NY                         Oct 2017 - Jan 2018       Revit
                                                       Design Apprentice
                 Highlights:                           Jan 2018 - Present       Auto CAD
                 Austria Auer Residence/ 21,000 sf
                -  Contributed to success of interior design projects by providing assistance to senior   SketchUp
                interior designer in support of various design and technical tasks.
                -  Utilized innovation design tools, such as AutoCAD, Photoshop to quickly and   V-RAY
                e ciently created construction documents, providing technical assistance in   Sefaira                                                                                              02            STEELCASE COMPETITION
                usage when necessary.
                -  Created design sketches and prepared presentation sheets to e ectively communi-  Rhino                                                                                                        Workplace Design
                cate ideas for meetings.
                                                                                Adobe Photoshop

                 Lori Dennis, ASID, LEED AP          Interior Design Intern.
                                                    May 2015- August 2015
                 Lion Windows and Doors                                           Adobe InDesign
                  Los Angeles, CA                                               Adobe Illustrator                                                                                                                     PANAMA PACIFIC PLANNING
                 Highlights:                                                                                                                                                                             03
                 Thousand Oak Residential Renovation/ 11,000 sf                                                                                                                                                       Senior Living Design
                 Playa Vista Residential Renovation/ 3,000 sf                   TRAVEL & STUDY ABROAD
                -  Worked closely with project manager supporting design and technical tasks.
                -  Assisted project development from schematic to construction documentation   International Design Perspectives                                                                                           L’OISEAU LIBRE
                for residential and commercial use.                             Various Culture Knowledge                                                                                                    04
                -  Assisted on renovation Interior projects including documentation and taking              - Cancun, Mexico
                on site measurements.                                           - Berlin, Germany (June 2016)               - Miami, USA                                                                                   Retail Design
                                                                                - Tokyo, Japan (January 2016)
                -  Prepared presentation sheets for client meetings.            - Montreal, Canada (August 2015)  - New York, USA
                - Provided technical assistance with AutoCAD.                   - Los Angeles, USA (June 2015)  - Hong Kong, China
                 EVENTS                                                         - Paris, France (January 2015)

                 IIDA                                                                             2014 - Present
                 ASID                                                                                    2015 - Present
                 Design Campus (Las Vegas)                                           2015 August
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