Page 4 - Nashua NH St. Patrick
P. 4

II. Gymnasium Sound System:
The gymnasium sound system, as we discussed, will be a very straight forward system to cover 2 areas of the environment. The first area of importance is the main gymnasium floor. There will be 2 microphone input jack plates and we will be supplying 2 highly directional microphones (condenser type) to be used with these jacks. To reinforce vocal and musical sound (DVD player) in this main floor configuration we will be using 4 full range JBL loudspeakers with very directional sound dispersion. If you will remember, during our conversation the proper way to cover any environment when voice is being recreated is to have the sound emanate from the direction of the person speaking, i.e placing speakers strategically on support structures to provide this effect. To flood the room with omni directional sound for music applications as in a hockey rink or a dance hall, is acceptable. Once again, when voice is used through a microphone, we want the sound to appear to come from a singular direction and be aimed as accurately as possible to the bodies and ears of the audience. Tight coverage loudspeakers, such as proposed in this design, will increase intelligibility for the listener and reduce reflections off of the side wall and ceiling structures. Side walls and ceiling structures create confusing reverberation which we want to avoid at all costs.
The second coverage area will be for the bleachers on the east wall. Four loudspeakers will be used for this as well but have been specified with a slightly tighter vertical and a wider horizontal dispersion pattern. These speakers will be energized via a digital wall plate that will allow for the selection of "BLEACHERS", "MAIN FLOOR" & "DUAL ZONE". All supporting electronic hardware will locate in a wall mounted locking steel enclosure. Additionally there will be microphone jacks located on the bleacher side wall along with a DVD player input and a jack for a music player, i.e. CD, cell phone, tablet or laptop. For more mobile speaking applications we will be providing a wireless hand held style microphone. We have also built in a wireless feature for tablet or cell phone so that music can be played mobiley from anywhere in the gymnasium via bluetooth*.
[NOTE: As you will see on the component pricing sheet, there is an option available in the event that sporting activities are not going to have announcers calling plays. If plays are not called during a sporting event, then a single zone PA system would be appropriate. If plays are called by an announcer it would be necessary to eliminate those announcements from being heard on the main floor and only by those seated in the bleachers. You will find a cost differential notated on the pricing page indicating separate bleacher coverage vs. two dual zone coverage.]
This system will be very simple to operate via a basic one-push on/off button and digital plate allowing the selection of speakers to be used. The system will be powerful in operation and will be sure to cover all areas adequately and properly. Please see the visual aids and brief explanations of each component and system. Also, I have enclosed several pictures of similar installation that we have installed; The Basketball Court at St. Anselm College in Manchester, NH, The Hockey Rink at Dexter Southfield School in Brookline, MA & Tiger Gym at Biddeford High School in Biddeford, MEIf you have any questions on either design, please do not hesitate to call any time and we will be happy to walk through the operation and the design thoroughly.
Rte 236, Suite 205 ŸKittery, ME 03904Ÿ(603) 436-4850 Ÿ(800) 544-0108 Ÿ

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