Page 30 - ABHR MUD BOOK 2022
P. 30

The Truth About MUD Debt

                   •  Critics of the development of public infrastructure to support growth and
                       development are quick to  claim  that local government debt in Texas is higher
                       than in many other states and growing.
                   •  Generally, criticisms of the amount of local government debt fail to recognize the
                       roles of state versus local government set forth in our Texas Constitution.
                   •  Critics also fail to distinguish between the types of local government debt issuers
                       and the purposes for which that debt is being issued.
                   •  Texans have always believed that the government closer to the people is the most
                       representative.    Texans have always valued local  control and have  viewed
                       central government with skepticism.
                   •  In Texas, issuing debt for infrastructure development is largely the role of local
                       governments, not the state.
                   •  In many other states, the state raises revenues, levies taxes, and issues debt and
                       then appropriates the funding to the local government.  In these states, there is a
                       powerful central government, often supported by a state income tax, with weak
                       local government.  These states have low local government debt – but at what
                   •  MUDs play an integral role in developing  infrastructure  to supply utility and
                       basic services to accommodate local growth and development.  The sole purpose
                       of MUD bonds is to pay for this infrastructure.
                   •  MUDs do not issue debt to pay for pension or other operating costs, thus leaving
                       “Legacy Infrastructure” and not “Legacy Liabilities”.
                   •  Every dollar of  MUD debt is self-supported by an independent and self-
                       contained tax base that is  determined by the Texas Commission on
                       Environmental Quality (“TCEQ”) as  being  sufficient to pay the  principal and
                       interest on the debt at a tax rate approved by the TCEQ.
                   •  No homeowner or other property owner located outside the MUD is required to
                       pay for any part of the debt issued by the MUD.
                   •  Even so, MUD bonds comprise only a small part of Texas local government debt.
                   •  According to state data, local governments have approximately $218.4 billion in
                       outstanding debt.   Critics of local debt usually inflate this figure by also adding
                       interest to this figure, which may or may not be paid over the life of the bonds.
                   •  The amount of bonds outstanding for Houston Area MUDs as of year-end 2015
                       was $9.29 billion.
                   •  Compare this amount to the City of Houston’s amount of outstanding debt of
                       $12.8 billion as of March 31, 2016.

               1  See Texas Bond Review Board, 2016 Annual Report, Table 1.8.
               2   Local government bonds are  often paid  off early before maturity or  periodically  refinanced,  thus  significantly
               reducing the amount of interest paid on the debt.
               3  Municipal Information Services, Dr. Ron Welch.

                                         Association of Water Board Directors -- Texas
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