Page 77 - ABHR MUD BOOK 2022
P. 77


            A Conversation with James Gaines                                     times assembling multiple parcels),
                                                                                 platting and permitting a subdivision,
            Texas Home Prices to                                                 engineering the land and building
                                                                                 roads, utility lines and other necessary
            Keep Rising Despite                                                  improvements before marketing the
                                                                                 finished lots to homebuilders or owners.
            Energy Slowdown                                                      This basic process covers anything from
                                                                                 a few dozen acres of land to master-
                                                                                 planned communities comprising
            James Gaines, chief economist of the Real                            thousands of acres.
            Estate Center at Texas A&M University, is a                             The next step is building and mar-
                                                                                 keting individual housing units—the
            leading authority on housing and development                         role of homebuilders. In some cases, the
            issues in Texas. He discusses the supply and                         role of land developer and homebuilder
            demand conditions that have led to rapidly                           might involve the same entity, but until
                                                                                 recently, quite often it did not.
            rising house prices, as well as the unique role                         Regulators play an integral role—
            municipal utility districts (MUDs) play in single-                   from the state to the county and mu-
            family housing construction in Texas.                                nicipal layers of government—applying
                                                                                 standards for zoning, minimum lot size,
                                                                                 roads and utilities, and building, fire,
            Q. Texas never had much house     Q. Is the price appreciation you   plumbing and electrical codes.
            price appreciation because there   speak of due to supply- or demand-   During periods of rapid population
            was so much building. What’s hap-  side factors?                     growth that fuel the need for fast devel-
            pening now?                           The answer is no doubt both. Be-  opment of housing, counties and cities
               Texas has not had the extreme   tween 2010 and 2015, Texas added more   are often unable to keep pace to provide
            home price volatility that other areas   than 1.45 million jobs, about 290,000 per   such services as roads and water/sewer
            of the country experienced mainly   year on average. During the same period,   capacity for new subdivisions. Some-
            because homebuilders could produce   the state gained nearly 2.55 million   times a local government may try to
            a substantial number of homes at   people, or an average of nearly 510,000   control growth by limiting new subdivi-
            comparatively modest cost to keep the   people per year.             sion permits, charging local impact fees
            market well-supplied.                 On the supply side, the number of   for road and water/sewer services or
               Even during past booms—such    new homes built could not keep pace.   changing density and affordable-housing
            as the 1970s and early 1980s—Texas   Single-family permits in 2011 were the   requirements or other aspects of the
            markets lacked substantial price in-  lowest since 1992 and only regained   development process.
            creases. This was in marked contrast to   their long-term average level by 2014.   All of these activities limit supply by
            other states, especially California and   Although new-home construction in   adding to the time and cost of develop-
            Florida. They and many of the other   2014 and 2015 exceeded the long-term   ment, thereby raising the price of new
            high-growth, high-population states   average, the amount was nearly 35 per-  housing. Restricting supply, especially
            had much more restrictive housing and   cent less than the peak years of 2005–06.   in the face of rising demand, causes all
            land-use policies limiting new home   The balance of the increased demand   housing to be more expensive.
            production and leading to significantly   for housing was filled by the substantial
            higher home prices.               addition of rental units. Construction   Q. Developers’ ability to establish
               The difference today is that Texas   permits for multifamily units spiked in   municipal utility districts (MUDs)
            homebuilders have been unable to   2012 and continued to increase through   was one reason Texas housing sup-
            recover from the financial crisis and   2015.                        ply was so elastic for decades. What
            Great Recession of 2008–09 to sup-                                   are MUDs, how are they created and
            ply the state and our major metro   Q. To better understand supply-side   how do they help expand the supply
            areas with sufficient new housing.   constraints, what’s the process of   of new homes?
            The phenomenal increase in jobs and   developing a new community of     A key part of the subdivision devel-
            population in the major metro areas   single-family homes?           opment process is ensuring adequate
            during the past six years, coupled with   The business model for developing   water and sewer services for houses be-
            historically low mortgage interest rates,   residential subdivisions in Texas typically   ing built. If a local municipality is unable
            created such housing demand that   involves a land developer who acquires   to provide utility services or, more often,
            prices have risen at more than twice   a tract of raw land and transforms it into   if the development is located in an unin-
            the long-term historical rate of around   residential lots. The land development   corporated area, a developer can create a
            4 percent per year.               process involves acquiring land (some-  MUD to undertake the task.

          8                         Southwest Economy • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • First Quarter 2016
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