P. 18

 Obviously, He did not pursue that course because he had another idea or philosophy in His thinking.
In short, Our Lord Jesus Christ created three primary, but living elements, through His Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection and Ascension.
Firstly, He was delegating His authority in heaven and on earth to His Church as an extension of His own life and ministry.
Secondly, He was creating a community who would embody His plan, vision, desire, and will for the whole earth.
Lastly, He was empowering, by His Holy Spirit, this community to expand and extend itself. This was to be done by the community embodying a visible spiritual reality.
The technique He chose to accomplish this was by Parabolic Absence.
He revealed Himself to His ?Band?. He then empowered them to be His witnesses so that the Community of God would grow and ultimately change the world forever. This community was His Body on earth as a Community of Love, a Community of Truth, a Community of Service, and a Community of Worship.
In real terms, today the world is not being evangelised by the pragmatic technique of preaching the ?least amount of truth to the most amount of people?. Rather, True Spiritual Revolution has a very un-pragmatic technique at its centre.
We see that the Observable Symbolic is vital. Now, however, in terms of the Church as a whole, not as individuals.
The Church in the Christendom sense of the Word is irrelevant The Church as the True Body of Christ is all important.
The Gospel is not preaching. One can preach ?The Gospel?but the preaching isnotthe Gospel.
A message of propositions, in an environment that has no visible authentication of those propositions, is not the Gospel. The Gospel message demands a Gospel Community.
The proposition that, ?sinful men and women can be reconciled to a Holy God by the Blood of the Incarnate precious Son of God?, travels into people?s spiritual awareness when there is a sign of visible authentication by the messenger and the community he represents.
The Gospel is the Revelation of Jesus through His Body on the earth: A Visible Unified Community where people love each other.
An Uncompromising Community where Truth is never allowed to degrade for the sake of pragmatic results.

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