Page 36 - social media
P. 36
motioned towards its form, “will soon be you and I was hoping to save you
from sharing the same fate. Do you understand now?”
Eliza looks at the phantom in shock, taking in the lifeless, sallow look of
her supposed adult form: that was what was waiting for her?! The future of
discouragement, lack of will she could see in the ghost’s eyes? A future
where she tried things only to post them online, but not for her own
enjoyment? A future where she had become so addicted to social media and
technology that she completely wasted her life clinging to those
unimportant things?
No! How silly of a thought it was! She had control over herself! She knew
when to stop; she knew when she was beginning to get too addicted to her
apps! There was no way she’d end up like that!-
-Or was there? Or did she? - In a terrifying moment, Eliza realized just
the path she had been going down. She’d long lost balance between social
media and real social life.
She desperately implores the spirit to alter her fate, promising to
renounce her uncontrolled, subconscious, dependent ways and to enjoy life
with all her heart. Whoosh! She suddenly finds herself safely tucked in her
bed, the wraith having disappeared. Eliza collapses into a deep sleep.
Overwhelmed with joy by the chance to redeem herself and grateful that
she has been returned to the next day, Eliza deletes the apps she abuses
the most from her phone and rushes out into her sister’s bedroom, hoping
to share her newfound free, adventurous spirit. She tickles Bonnie awake,
eagerly rushing her sister to get dressed warm, to the stifled surprise of
the four-year-old.
Rita Rosário, 11ºA, 29/3/2018