Page 8 - social media
P. 8

"How the social media can affect us"

                    by Nikolas Bras, 3rd Gymnasium of Heraklion Crete, Greece

                   A challenge was suggested by a magazine to teenagers to spend

                   one  day  without  any  form  of  social  media.  A  14  year  old  boy
                   decided to try it to see how it would go.

                   To start with, the rules of the challenge were simple. For 24

                   hours  that boy wasn't allowed to use any form of social media

                   which means no facebook, no instagram and nothing else. The

                   challenge started on a normal Monday morning and finished in

                   the  next  morning.  However,  the  real  challenge   started  when
                   the boy came back from school. The boy's routine used to be

                   like  this.  After  school  he  always  did  his  homework  and  then

                   relaxed for a bit till the afternoon. When the young boy came

                   back from school he didn't have anything to do! He thought he

                   could read a book but because he was always online using social
                   media he had got rid of all his books! Luckily, he had his whole

                   afternoon full with art lessons. He had at least some fun, but it

                   was getting dark so he had to leave. He would usually chat with

                   his friends but he wasn't allowed!

                   In the next morning the challenge was finally over and he was

                   able to use social media again. However, that challenge helped
                   the  young  boy  realize  how  affected  and  addicted  to  social

                   media he was.
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