Page 8 - 2017AAA Perfect Pallet Wrapping_v24 verison 3
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Pallet Wrapping Solution:

          Case Study

         When a National Distribution Company approaches us to provide them a pallet wrapping
         solution, we know we have ‘The Perfect Solution’ and they know they have come to the

         right place.

         The Challenge

         All warehouses need a pallet wrapping solution but this company needed the Perfect Pallet Wrapping
         Solution. When you wrap an average of 600 pallets per day in 8 warehouses across the country it’s
         the industry specialist you need to talk to.

           3 They wanted to reduce warehouse waste to save disposal costs and reduce environmental impact

           3 The cost of pallet wrapping was high and increasing so were needed an alternative solution
            to contain this cost
           3 In a time sensitive industry they needed a reliable supplier with excellent service and express delivery

           3 Not all pallets are able to be machine wrapped so it is important that the hand stretch rolls are
            light weight to reduce back strain for OH&S reasons
           3 To increase warehouse productivity, it was essential to the efficiency of their pallet wrapping system

         The Solution

         Omni Stretch Film + Omni Pallet Wrappers = The Perfect Pallet Wrapping Solution

           3 Use Omni Euro Stretch film on an Omni Pallet Wrapping with power pre stretch
           3 A power pre stretch and high performance film resulted in a 414% stretch yield on film

           3 Grams of film used was reduced by 51.8%, from 139g to 67g per pallet

           3 Saving on pallet wrapping costs is $105,120 per year
           3 Roll changes required per day is halved reducing down time and increase efficiently

           3 European manufactured machine and film with full warranty and service back up guarantees

         Contact us for more details on this case study.

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