Page 141 - 2016 AAA Catalogue
P. 141

Despatch & Mailing
 Engineered to Perfection
 Engineered to Perfection                               Despatch & Mailing

           Hazchem Labels

           A mandatory selection of labels are available to warn of hazardous goods, not
           only during transport but also required for storage. Safety laws require these so
           don’t take a risk and expose yourself needlessly.

            Goods Classification Labels
            –  Top quality chemical and moisture resistant material with peel off backing. Easy to use.

                                                Labels  Rolls                                       Labels  Rolls
            Code   Message                      per Roll per Ctn  Code  Message                     per Roll per Ctn
            Label Size :  24mm x 31mm                            Label Size :  96mm x 100mm
            22.001  Corrosive 8                  1500    72      22.061  Corrosive 8                 500     18
            22.002  Flammable Liquid 3           1500    72      22.062  Dangerous When Wet 4.3      500     18
            22.003  Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods 9  1500  72    22.063  Explosive 1                 500     18
            22.004  Poison 6                     1500    72      22.064  Flammable Gas 2             500     18
                                                                 22.065  Flammable Gas 2.1           500     18
            Label Size :  48mm x 50mm                            22.066  Flammable Liquid 3          500     18
            22.031  Corrosive 8                  1000    36      22.067  Flammable Solid 4           500     18
            22.032  Dangerous When Wet 4.3       1000    36      22.068  Flammable Solid 4.1         500     18
            22.030  Flammable Gas 2.1            1000    36      22.069  Harmful Stow Away From Foodstuffs 6  500  18
            22.033  Flammable Liquid 3           1000    36      22.070  Harmful Stow Away From Foodstuffs 6.1  500  18
            22.034  Harmful Stow Away From Foodstuffs 6  1000  36  22.071  Infectious Substance 6    500     18
            22.035  Infectious Substance 6.2     1000    36      22.072  Miscellaneous 9             500     18
            22.036  Miscellaneous Dangerous Substances 9  1000  36  22.073  Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods 9  500  18
            22.037  Oxidizer 5.1                 1000    36      22.074  Miscellaneous Dangerous Substances 9  500  18
            22.038  Oxidizer Agent 5.1           1000    36      22.075  Non Flammable / Non Toxic Gas 2  500  18
            22.039  Poison 6.1                   1000    36      22.076  Organic Peroxide 5          500     18
            22.040  Toxic 6                      1000    36      22.077  Organic Peroxide 5.2        500     18
            22.041  Toxic 6.1                    1000    36      22.078  Oxidizer 5.1                500     18
                                                                 22.079  Oxidizer Agent 5            500     18

                                                                 22.080  Oxidizer Agent 5.1          500     18
                                                                 22.081  Poison 6                    500     18
                                                                 22.082  Poison 6.1                  500     18
                                                                 22.083  Poison Gas 2                500     18
                                                                 22.084  Spontaneously Combustible 4  500    18
                                                                 22.085  Toxic 6                     500     18
                                                                 22.086  Toxic 6.1                   500     18

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