Page 149 - 2016 AAA Catalogue
P. 149
Despatch & Mailing
Engineered to Perfection
Engineered to Perfection Despatch & Mailing
Need a perfect RSC – Regular Slotted Container
fit carton! RSC is a standard everyday carton. It is the most efficient
and effective style of carton. The outer flaps meet at the
centre, on top and bottom surfaces.
We are more than
happy to assist in FFSC – Full Flap Slotted Container
your enquiry. The difference between the RSC and the FFSC is that the
outer flaps fully overlap each other. If you are needing a
Here are a couple carton with
of helpful hints when a narrow width FFSC recommended.
specifying your
requirements to us: HSC – Half Slotted Container
This carton is recommended when a carton is being
Carton dimensions are opened repeatedly e.g. self storage. It has flaps on one
always expressed in order end and the other end is open allowing for a lid to be
of length, width and depth. placed over the open end.
(Depth is also known
as height) FPF – Five Panel Folder
These cartons are used when you have long narrow items.
The length is the larger of The carton is a flat board with creases at specific points; it is
the two dimensions of the wrapped around the item then sealed on all three ends.
open face (flap opening);
DC – Die Cut Boxes
The width is smaller.
This carton has the ability to be made into many unique de-
signs to suit the product of your wish. It is specially designed
The depth is always the for the purpose of shipping and display. This carton has a
distance perpendicular very clean and accurate finish.
to the length and width.
CR/SL – Creased And Slotted Trays
The Creased & Slotted cartons are very like the HSC cartons,
they are cut half way and the top section fits over the
bottom section. These cartons are used mostly for Storage
cartons and Spare part containers.
DC – Pads
The pad is a single corrugated sheet which can be made
to the size of your requirement. These are used as a divider
between your products to had needed protections. The
most common pad is the pallet sheets that cover the top of
the pallet.
The partitions are most common in the bottle and jar indus-
try; it provides individual pockets for the items to be placed
into for added protection. This is made of intersection sheets
of board. They can be supplied assembled in the carton or
loose for you to assemble manually.
CCF – Corner Cut Folder
The CCF carton is manufactured to suit the product of your
choose. It is especially designed as a mailer and perfect for
items with a narrow depth.
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