Page 183 - 2016 AAA Catalogue
P. 183

Tools & Machiner
 Engineered to Perfection
 Engineered to Perfection                                  Tools & Machineryy

            The flexibility of automatic tension adjustment programming is unique to Omni Pallet Wrapping
            machines and not available on the Siat SW2.

            Load Cell System

            Another one of the many distinctions of the Omni machines compared to the Siat machines is
            that Siat use a dance roll system in contrast to our load cell system.

            To prevent the problem of the acceleration, it can be either minimised or the reactiveness can be
            increased. The first option is preferred for the dancing roller system as when the roller moves, it is
            detected by a sensor and moves it forward. The more movement made, it causes a bigger signal to
            the sensor. The increase of film request makes the dancer roller move which increases the speed of
            the motor. The movement of the dancer roller compensates the delay of the motor. In other words,
            the dancer roller is a mechanical way to compensate a mistake in giving film.

            The Omni machines rollers are mounted on a load cell that measures the pulling force from the
            pallet. As soon as the request of film from the pallet increases, the signal from the load cells increases
            as well and the motor goes faster. As a result of nothing in between our load cell system it makes it
            much faster than the speed of a dancer roller. Therefore, the dancing roller is needed to compensate
            a mistake, the load cell doesn’t make the mistake. To make our system even more reactive,
            we eliminated the gearbox, so the motor drives directly the roller.

            Another unique advantage of our machines is that you can select the film tension by the control
            panel. With the dancer roller system, you can only make the dancer roller harder to move forward
            and this is usually done by a spring and a knob. Consequently, the dancer roller system is unable
            to set different wrapping tensions during the cycle.

            The flexibility of tension adjustment programming enables wrapping unstable and light weight pallets
            with ease. Tests have proven that trying to wrap light weight products on a Siat machine, the pallet
            is pulled of the turn table as you are unable adjust tension correctly. In comparison to wrapping the
            same weight product on an Omni machine, due to its adjustable tensioning features the pallet is
            wrapped with no movement problem.

                    Control Panel                                 Power Pre-Stretch Carriage with Load Cell Bar

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