Page 203 - The wicked things to God
P. 203
5. Christmas is a wicked act…
whom God loves and with whom God is pleased. Therefore,
the amount of the love and pleasure of God is that it is deep-
ening your fellowship with Jesus as much as loving Jesus
with the joy of salvation and making your personal fellow-
ship with Him. So, for being forgiven for the punishment and
reconciled with God, isn’t it peace? How peaceful is it? It is
released from all this, the fear of death, the fear of guilt, the
anxieties and fears of life, so how peaceful is it?
Therefore, the birth of Jesus is the glory to God, and its
glory is the eternal glory. Likewise, on earth, peace among
men whom God is pleased with, and its peace is also the
eternal peace. Now, if you have become the one whom God is
pleased with and who have faith to live with Jesus, the peace
fulfilled through Jesus should be alive and active within you.
This peace should be active in you. And let this peace rule in
you always. So this peace must become an eternal peace.
Now, I want to request you one thing while I am closing the
preaching about <Christmas is a wicked act that has nothing
to do with God>. After you listened to the preaching of today,
if you realized about faith and believed, and if the Holy Spirit
made you become faith in your soul, then as a meaning to
agree and receive it with your faith, let’s say ‘Amen’ in the
name of Jesus. To you who replied with Amen, I bless you to
be filled with the blessing of God the Father in the name of