Page 25 - The wicked things to God
P. 25
1. The dead conscience of human to God
As Jesus who is perfect in the commandment has come as the
Holy Spirit in them, it is not that they will be punished unless
they keep it, and it doesn’t need any interference saying to
keep, but rather they may live like Jesus who is perfect. This
is the perfect evidence of the salvation.
For the conscience of God has become your conscience
that is the law of your mind, you live with that conscience.
So, that is revealed as your joy and happiness. In this case,
for all focus has already placed on Jesus, it has become the
kingdom of heaven because it has become the relationship to
sit down at the right hand of the throne of God, where Jesus
is. Therefore, eventually you have no interest in the things
that are said as sins, nor have an interest in the things of the
world. And you don’t want to do making, seeing, and hearing
about such things anymore, but rather you become to dislike
them. Thus, your life becomes sanctified and perfect, and you
live in perfect salvation. Do you know this tremendous bless-
ing? Do not make an answer what you know. The reason is
that there are not many who know this when I see you guys
by the spirit. But please listen carefully to the messages that I
have spoken to you and lighten yourself with what you have
heard, then have the ability to live by the Word immediately.
I mean, you must come into this blessing of salvation imme-