P. 8
TH0412 MAIN SHOWROOM HUDSON, ma 01749 palmyra, pa 17078
6" Turkey Ornament 122 EAST 42ND STREET peter SaalmaN cHriStmaS NOrtHeaSt
SP. 6 / $4.75 ea. CS. 24 / $4.00 ea. NEW YORK, NY 10168 aSSOciateS, iNc. 1028 eaSt maiN Street
(212) 924-0900 NOrtHeaSt marKet ceNter (717) 838–9446
(800) 243-9627 2 caBOt rOaD SUite 115 (800) 227–2682
TH0398 FAx (212) 807-0575 BUrliNgtON, ma 01749 fax: (717) 838–5628
5.5" Square Table Piece (800) 562–0088 e-mail: mrOSS@cHriStmaSNe.
SP. 6 / $4.25 ea. CS. 24 / $4.00 ea. 781-646-1028 cOm
atlaNta, ga 30303 fax: 781–646-0123
KUrt S. aDler, iNc. jpayKUSS@aOl.cOm SaN fraNciScO, ca 94103
240 peacHtree St NOrtHerN ca
SUite 16a4 KUrt S. aDler, iNc. (800) 863–9627
mercHaNDiSe mart BlDg. 1 laS VegaS, NV 89106 (415) 863–8837
(404) 681–3910- ext. 1 BUilDiNg c, SHOWrOOm c-812 jOSepHiNe raSella
(800) 803–2205 ext. 1 8tH flOOr fax: (415) 863–6856
fax: (404) 681-3912 455 S. graND ceNtral jOSepHiNe@KUrtaDlerSf.cOm
KSaatlaNta@KUrtaDler.cOm parKWay
(702) 984–4162 Seattle, Wa 98108
cHicagO SHOWrOOm fax: (702) 984–4162 NOrtHWeSt
DeS plaiNeS, il 60018 laS VegaS@KUrtaDler.cOm (206) 419–9037
2400 DeVON aVeNUe **OpeN fOr all majOr aNN WilSON
(847) 795–8044 marKetS KSaSeattle@KUrtaDler.cOm
tOll free: (877) 877-9627 By appOiNtmeNt ONly fOr
fax: (847) 795–8055 NON-marKet DateS ONtariO, caNaDa
TH0413 KSacHicagO@SBcglOBal.Net acceNt impOrtS
2"-4" Battery Operated LED lOS aNgeleS, ca 90007 (DiV. Of caNDym eNt.)
Pumpkin & Gourd Table Piece 3 Ass't DallaS, texaS 75207 KUrt S. aDler, iNc. 95 clegg rOaD
SP. 12 / $5.50 ea. CS. 24 / $5.00 ea. DallaS WOrlD traDe ceNter tHe la mart marKHam, ONtariO, caNaDa
2050 NOrtH StemmONS freeWay 1933 S. BrOaDWay, SUite #941 l6g 1B9
SUite #400 (213) 748–4887 (905) 474–9834
(214) 651–1329 (800) 734–9627 fax: (905) 474–0960
(800) 248–9627 fax: (213) 742–6830 rpicKeriNg@caNDym.COM
fax: (214) 748–0161 SaleS@rOgergrUeN.cOm
e-mail: DallaSKSa@mSN.cOm
miNNetONKa, mN 55343
DeNVer, cO 80216-8116 miNNeapOliS mart *Please note that due to the
DeNVer mercHaNDiSe mart 10301 BreN rOaD WeSt uncertainty prevailing in the world
SUite 1330 SUite O-369 currencies and markets, we reserve
(303) 295–2289 (952) 933–4615 the right to make any necessary
TH0411 (800) 661–9177 fax: (952) 933–0888 price adjustments.
9.25" Fabric Turkey Table Piece fax: (303) 295–3854 e-mail: KSamiNNeapOliS@
SP. 1 / $15.50 ea. e-mail: xmaSaNgieB@aOl.cOm aOl.cOm
CS. 8 / $14.00 ea.
15" Turkey Nutcracker CAT2018HALLOWEEN
SP. 1 / $18.00 ea.
TH0410 CS. 12 / $16.50 ea.
6.63" Turkey Table Piece
SP. 4 / $11.00 ea. CS. 72 / $10.00 ea.