Page 65 - NYIP unit1
P. 65

 Self-Check Quiz: Eye of the Photographer
1.Every great photograph is about someone or something. (A) O (B) X
2.Focusing attention on the subject helps to draw the viewer’s eye away from the subject or theme. (A) O (B) X
3.The act of simplification excludes or diminishes elements that might draw the eye away from the subject. (A) O (B) X
4.A universal theme is something everyone can relate to and communicates that theme clearly. (A) O (B) X
5.Love, joy, innocence, and youth are themes that cannot be captured in a photo. (A) O (B) X
6.Positioning your subject within the frame is the only way to focus attention on your subject. (A) O (B) X
7.If the surroundings of a photograph contribute to our understanding of the theme, they should still be eliminated to simplify the photo. (A) O (B) X
8.The challenge when photographing a well-known site is to take a picture that will be interesting to the viewer who has seen thousands of ph0tographs of this same place. (A) O (B) X
9.A layered photograph creates a sense of depth and an understanding of scale. (A) O (B) X
10.A horizontal horizon line, when placed behind the subject, helps to lead the viewer’s eye to the subject which obstruct this plane. (A) O (B) X
ans: A, B, A, A, B, B, B, A, A, A

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