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                              the initiative to avoid conflict with NGOs and   standards to projects that are financed and
                              indigenous peoples by taking care to be inclusive in   insured in the private sector, the type of due
                              the planning, construction, and operation of mines.  diligence that is now applied by most private
                               Some mining companies, for example, have   sector institutions has achieved a remarkable
                              spent a great deal of time establishing strong   degree of similarity with those of the MDBs.
                              relationships with tribal leaders, understanding   While public sector insurers have, for example,
                              the concerns of local inhabitants, and negotiating   addressed a host of developmental and social
                              a sensible agreement with governments.   responsibility issues in the natural course of
                              It is in all parties’ interest to collaborate in   conducting their project risk analyses, many
                              achieving mutually satisfactory guidelines for   private banks and insurance companies now
                              the construction and operation of infrastructure   routinely address the same issues during their
                              projects in the developing world. It is only   due diligence process. In determining whether a
                              through cooperation and collaboration that the   project is worth supporting, for example, it is now
                              objectives of all parties can be reached.  common to assess the degree to which substantial
                                                                     tax revenues are generated, local workers are
                              Public/private sector collaboration    hired, and technology transfer is present.
                              Multilateral development banks (MDBs), such as the   Banks and insurance companies face a host
                              Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, have a   of performance, reputation and ethics issues
                              unique role to play in this regard. Since their work is   when engaging in project finance, particularly
                              by nature oriented toward promotion of development   now that there is such emphasis on the whole
                              and the alleviation of poverty, the concept of social   concept of corporate governance. PRI providers,
                              responsibility strikes a familiar chord.  in particular, have moved from making
                               MDBs have strict covenants governing all   traditional assessments of country risk based
                              aspects of their participation in project finance.   largely on the social context in which a project
                              From a no child labor policy to a requirement for   operates to better understanding the degree to
                              total transparency to no tolerance for bribery and   which infrastructure projects impact the wider
                              corruption, MDBs have played a pivotal role in   geographical area and contribute to indigenous
                              ensuring that social responsibility is a common   and cross-border conflict.
                              theme in the projects they become engaged in.   This is particularly important because so much
                              Many private sector banks and insurers have   foreign direct investment in the developing world
                              attained a surprising degree of convergence with   exists in areas that are inherently politically
                              the MDBs in the general area of social responsibility.  unstable. Promoting corporate social responsibility
                               In addition to the commonality that has been   is therefore an underlying, albeit indirect,
                              achieved in applying World Bank environmental   objective of PRI providers.

                              Trucks operate in the open-pit mine of PT Freeport’s Grasberg copper and gold mine complex near Timika, in the eastern region of Papua, Indonesia on
                              September 19, 2015 in this photo taken by Antara Foto. REUTERS/Muhammad Adimaja/Antara

                                                        Project Finance International May 4 2017                      47

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