Page 7 - TE training manual
P. 7 Finance of America Mortgage
This is your menu where This is where you will see This is where you will This is where you
you will go to access all data coming in from the go for training videos, will go for profile
functionality within the LOS system & preset filters. information &
platform. You can click on the boxes instructions & tutorials account settings.
to see a full breakdown.
*Shows new
contacts within
the last 24 hours
This is one of the more important features
within the platform. This is the live chat
This is where you are function. If you have any questions or issues,
able to see your loan please reach out via the chat function. The
volume by type & by typical response time is within 5 minutes.
month. When you click on this button, it shows their
hours of operation, which includes weekends.
A Division of Finance of America