Page 42 - Kent Parks Recreation Guide Fall 2024
P. 42



                          SPANISH                                       BE WELL GROUP

         Beginning Spanish                                    Join us to re-charge your energy and give thought
         Do you want improve your Spanish? Join us on         to important, but often neglected, health issues
         Fridays with a retired Spanish teacher to help you   with these informative and entertaining sessions.
         learn and improve your Spanish. Class is free, but        DAYS         DATES             TIMES
         registration is required. No class 11/29.
                                                               Wednesdays      9/4-12/18       1pm-2:30pm
           DAY      DATE           TIME             #
           Fri   9/6-12/20    10am-11:30am     SC0101 01F     Focus on Your Physical Health

         Advanced Spanish                                     4th - Aerobic Fitness and Why it's so important
         Elevate your Spanish skills with our Intermediate    11th - Strength and Endurance for everybody
         and Higher Proficiency Class. Enhance listening,     18th - Balance yourself and Balance your Life
         reading, speaking, vocabulary, and pronunciation.    25th - Flexibility and Posture for your Spine
         Clarify grammar and structure points. Prior
         knowledge preferred, not for beginners. Led          October
         by a fluent former high school/college teacher.      Vitamin Supplement Needs and Changes
         Engage in diverse in-class activities with additional
         practice resources online and at home. Class is      2nd -  Vitamin D-3 - Effects on Physical and Mental
         free, but registration is required.                       Health
                                                              9th - Iron and Anemia
           DAY      DATE           TIME             #
                                                              16th -  Omegas - Understanding the Omega fatty
           Thu   9/5-12/19    10am-11:30am     SC0101 03F           acids
                                                              23rd - B Vitamins - Impact on your Health
                                                              30th - Halloween/Dia de Los Muertos

                                                              Healthy Eating as We Age
                                                              6th - Healthy Eating and Various Diets
                                                              13th -  Eating Disorders - Anorexia, Bulimia, and its
             Monthly              MATINEE                     and alternative nutrition
                                                              20th - Latest buzz on Superfoods, Non-dairy milk,
                                                              27th - Thanksgiving Eve - Opportunities for Gratitude


                3rd Tuesday of each month at 1:45 p.m.        Concerns in the 3rd Act of Life
                  Movie is FREE! Popcorn and pop are
                  available to purchase for $0.50 each.       4th - Getting Your Affairs in Order
                 Supported by the King County VSHS Levy!      11th - Hospice and Palliative Care
                                                              18th -  Winter Holiday Celebrations - Join us in
                Call 253-856-5150 to see which movie is playing.
                                                                    celebrating and discovering more about
                                                                    other Winter holidays!

          42                                           KENT PARKS IS HIRING! Apply today at
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