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Hope - Fall 2018  Hope - Fall 2018

 Holiday Dish  GIFT GUIDE

 Favorites     5 Virtually Free Ideas

 Did your fav make the cut??

 We surveyed staff through an email poll to see   This Holiday season you can give gifts without breaking the
 which Holiday dishes ranked top!  bank! These ideas are easy on the pockets but chock full of love
                 and imagination!
 Drum roll please....

 1) Mashed Potatoes & Gravy 25%  8) Meat 10%     Some favorite “other”
 2) Green Bean Casserole 24%  9) Collared Greens 7%
    • Macaroni and Cheese
 3) Stuffing 23%  10) Roasted Carrots 5%
    • Brocolli Rice Casserole
 4) Just give me all the desserts 22%  11) Corn 5%
    • Just give me a bib and a fork
 5) Rolls/Bread/Cornbread 14%  12) Cranberry Sauce 4%
    • All of it!
 6) Sweet Potatoes 13%  13) Creamed Spinach 2%
 7) Noodles 12%  14) Mince Pie 0%

            1)  Favorite Recipes Pack.                     4)  A Tell-Me Notebook.
            Simply buy a pack of notecards and jot down    This is truly a gift for both the giver and the
 HR Bulliten Board  all your favorite family recipes. This is a great               receiver. All you need is a simple notebook. Fill the
                                                           book with questions – one on every three pages or
            opportunity to pass down several generations of
            home cooking; grandmas famous cookies, uncles
            favorite BBQ sauce, mom’s homemade rolls!      so (so you leave plenty of room for answers). This is
                                                           a great gift for parents or grandparents as you can
                                                           ask questions like; “Tell me about your first house”,
 PAYCOM                                                    What do you remember most about your mother”,
 Check to ensure that your address and phone number are up-to-date. Please   2)  Time Capsule Kit.  Tell me about your most memorable friend”, or “Tell
 update through Paycom or contact HR.  This is the perfect gift to experience with your child.   me something you are proud of”. Think about the
            Just gift an empty box along with a note defining   stories you want to know from the person you are
 WELLNESS PROGRAM  what a time capsule is. Spend New Year’s Day   giving the gift to…and be prepared for some terrific
 Employees and their spouses covered under Hope’s insurance plan must submit   together filling the box with your child’s favorite   conversations upon its return to you!
 their annual wellness exam (with biometrics) no later than 12/1/2018 or your   things - candy wrappers, newspaper clippings,
            photos, notes, predictions, and anything else they
 insurance premium will go up 10%.   want to include! Duct tape the box and write the   5)  Read This when… Bundle.
            date it can be opened on the outside. You will both   For this gift, you simply write a series of short
 HEALTH INSURANCE OPEN ENROLLMENT  appreciate this gift years later!  letters (or inspirational quotes, pictures, or a
 Open enrollment meetings will be held on the following dates:  combination), put them in separate envelopes, and
                                                           label them with when they should be read; such
            3)  Personalized Playlist.                     as - Read this when: you have had a terrible day,
 Springfield: November 13 and 15, 2018 | 7:30 AM and 1:30 PM
 Chicago: November 6, 2018 | 3:10 PM  Give a gift with a nostalgic nod. Create a playlist   you think you are in love, you are homesick, you
                                                           are   angry, you feel like you are failing. Seal each
 Edwardsville: November 14, 2018 | TBD  (either burn a CD or download from a music source)
            for a friend, sibling, or special someone. Consider a   letter and tie it in a bundle. Perfect for a teenager
            “woman-power” playlist for a girlfriend who needs   or student heading off to college.
            a pick-me-up, a retro playlist of songs you grew up
            with for a sibling, or an exercise playlist for a friend
            who loves to run.
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