Page 1 - Newsletter Q1 FINAL flipbook
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HIGHLIGHTS A Letter From Your
Executive Staff
Upcoming Events
Employee appreciation events, holiday breaks,
and more.
Stories of Hope - Lily Welcome to the new Hope employee newsletter!
Read Lily’s story of Hope to find out how In this quarterly publication, you will find pertinent
The Autism Clinic helped change her life! information that YOU need as an employee of Hope.
Watch for news and updates about employee ben-
HR Bulletin Board
efit changes, upcoming events, an in-depth peek at
Updates on health insurance open enrollment, Hope teams and programs, fun contests, and more.
401K, and more. We hope that you find this newsletter to not only be
informational, but also an enjoyable read.
Behind the Scenes - Development
It’s hard to believe that we are already entering the
An inside look at how the Development Team holiday season, but this makes it the perfect time to
raises necessary funds to support Hope’s reflect on the accomplishments of the past year. I
mission and keep programs running!
speak for all in giving thanks for each employee that
Professional Resources makes up the Hope team. We are thrilled to show our
gratitude for your hard work with our end-of-year
Upcoming conferences, CEU opportunities, employee appreciation celebrations.
resources, and more.
I am so proud of Hope and I am very excited to look
Holiday Gift Guide towards the future. The work we do for the individu-
5 gift ideas that are easy on the pocketbook als we serve is tantamount to none and you should
but full of love and imagination. each be extremely proud of the difference you make
every day. Keep up the great work!
Just For Fun
Clint Paul, President and C.E.O
Find out how your favorite holiday dish ranked
in our employee poll and play along in our
“eye spy” contest for your chance to WIN.