Page 3 - Newsletter Q1 FINAL flipbook
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Hope - Fall 2018                                                                               Hope - Fall 2018

 Save          Behind

 The Date      The Scenes

               Meet The Development Team

             The Development department is an integral part of any
             nonprofit organization, working behind the scenes to
             raise funds necessary to support the mission and keep
             programs running! Hope’s development team is
             no exception. Led by Skylar Tierney, the team focuses on fundraising (through special events and direct mail),
             grant writing, donor relations, and community engagement.

 Lily’s Story   Grant proposals are written to seek funding in support of specific areas such as program technology needs,
             job-skills training equipment, summer camp programming, and recreational activities. Special events, such
             as The Hopeful Futures Gala and Style of Hope, raise funds to support Hope overall. A large part of creating
 of Hope     successful fundraising events and direct mail campaigns is cultivating relationships with businesses and individ-
 NORTH LOCATIONS  uals. Building strong relationships ensures that people understand and support Hope’s mission, both financially

 ICPN Employee Appreciation Party                              and as advocates.
 TBD  When Lily was two-years old, she stopped   Skylar has taken a team-focused approach to managing the Development Department, choosing not to focus
 making eye contact, lost interest in the things   on job descriptions and titles. “When you visit our department, you will notice that no one’s title is on their
 Hope Chicago Employee Appreciation Party  she loved doing, and stopped responding to her   office door. I believe in team-based management, especially when it comes to this very important mission. Each
 TBD  parents altogether. She was soon diagnosed with   person has a role in everything we do. I’m pleased with the progress we have made as a team but will always
 autism.     strive to do more.”  The development team, which consists of Lisa Sander, Mollie Ringer, and Ansumana Darboe,
 Hope Learning Academy Chicago Winter Break  This explained her echolalia (repetitive speech   work hard to help financially support each program at Hope.
 December 24, 2018 - January 4, 2019  patterns) and aloofness. She would push her fists   Their team gets excited about their role because they know firsthand that the students, families, and

 into her cheeks, pinch, scratch and pull hair. Lily’s   employees at Hope deserve the best opportunities available. You can catch the development team in action at
 family needed help!  these upcoming events
 They found Hope at The Autism Clinic. Our   Ambassador Induction Ceremony – November 8th, Inn at 835
 Ambassadors of Hope Holiday Induction  clinicians worked with Lily to help her learn how
 November 8, 2018 | 6:00 - 9:00 PM  to communicate and make eye contact. Through   Giving Tuesday – November 27th, Hope Inclusion Café and Play
 The Inn at 835    intensive therapy and her hard work, Lily has   Hopeful Futures Gala – March 9th, Wyndham Springfield

 Giving Tuesday Cafe Give-Back Event  achieved so much more than that. She now
 November 27, 2018 | 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM  communicates in full sentences and seeks the
 Hope Inclusion Cafe  attention of her parents.

 Hope Springfield Employee Appreciation Party  Lily now engages in imaginative play; brushing   Eye Spy Contest
 November 30, 2018  her mermaid’s teeth, putting her dolls to sleep in
 5:30 Cocktails | 7:00 Reception  the bassinet, and making roaring sounds with her
 The Fire Fighters Postal Lake Club  brother’s dinosaurs.
                                         It’s a TURKEY HUNT!! Can you find the cartoon turkey hidden within this
 “The caring staff at Hope are extraordinary.   newsletter?! Find it and report it for your chance to WIN Hope swag and a Cafe
 Their love and respect for Lily shows in every
 SOUTHERN LOCATIONS                      gift card!! We will draw one lucky winner on November 19, 2018!
 encounter we have, they are truly helping her
 Hope St. Louis Employee Appreciation Party  reach her greatest potential” said Julie, Lily’s   Once you have located the turkey, let us know where you found it by either
 December 5, 2018 | TBD  mother.         1) Sending us an email at
 Lily continues to make progress each day. Her   2) Messaging the @VisionForHope Facebook page
 family attributes her success to her own hard
                                         3) Leaving a note in the contest box located at the front desk of the Learning
                                             Academy (don’t forget to include your name and contact info)
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