Page 27 - HCMA Fall 2021
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Alliance News (continued)
Despite being “advised” by several of her former male physi- cian partners that an all-woman OB/GYN practice would never be successful, after five years, Madelyn had four women partners. They had outgrown their office space and it was time to open an- other office. Multiple payors had signed up to do business with Madelyn’s group. About this same time, Bill left Universal Studios to work for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers professional football team.
Then their third child, Donovan, was born, despite Bill’s busi- ness advisor’s advice that they were crazy to have a baby while Madelyn was expanding her practice. It was then that Bill trans- formed his business to a home-based one, where he could take care of the family and continue to do his work.
Fast forward to the present. Madelyn’s practice, The Woman’s Group, which now has four locations, employs 20 women physi- cians, a midwife, two nurse practitioners and numerous support staff. The Group’s mission is to prioritize the care of their women patients. When asked to comment on their success, Madelyn and Bill will tell you that their medical marriage is, and has always been, a team effort. It is by working together, as a team, that they have grown and prospered.
I would be remiss if I did not mention Madelyn’s and Bill’s in-
volvement in organized medicine. For Madelyn, this meant join- ing the Hillsborough County Medical Association, Florida Medi- cal Association, and the American Medical Association in the first month of her first year of medical school. She believed then, as she does now, that it was her responsibility to join and help support and guide her profession. Madelyn was elected President of the Hillsborough County Medical Association at age 35 and President of the Florida Medical Association at 49.
For Bill’s part, he is a member of the Hillsborough County Medical Association Alliance, the Florida Medical Association Alliance, and the American Medical Association Alliance; he currently serves as President of the Hillsborough County Medical Association Alliance.
Olivia is a former Miss Tampa and, now, owner and designer at the Southern Swan wedding store in Lakeland. Christian is busy studying to be an EMT, and Donovan is attending the University of Central Florida majoring in hospitality with the goal of work- ing in tourism.
Through the years for Bill and Madelyn, it has been love and teamwork, along with ability, foresight and perseverance that have led them to the successes they enjoy as a medical couple today.
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 67, No. 2 – Fall 2021