Page 6 - HCMA 2021 Summer
P. 6

 President’s Message
Hang Time
Joel Silverfield, MD
   “We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately,” is attributed to Ben Franklin.
25 years ago there was a very large national conference at USF titled something like “Medicine into the 21st Century.” The list of speakers was long and impressive, literally from all over the country. However, I noted there was not a single practicing phy- sician on the entire list. Curious as to the reason, I called the individual in
charge. He told me that candidly, they saw physicians as part of the problem to be managed, not as part of the solution. This statement likely still represents the true beliefs of the leader- ship class in the academic and political world. The NEA teach- ers union has been criticized for fighting only for the teachers’ best interests during these COVID times, but that is what they are charged with doing. To paraphrase Piper Kerman from her book Orange is the New Black, “No one is looking out for us, so we have to do it ourselves.”
We are trained from our earliest years to always put our pa- tients first. During my first year in a major university program, I was actually seized by my little intern jacket’s lapels and thrown up against a wall by an attending. He was furious that I had given a heart failure patient Lasix and her blood pressure had dropped precipitously. He screamed that I had almost killed her, not taking into consideration how I might have felt about the patient. That memory is clearly still baked into my mental cake. However, just like the parent traveling on the plane who, during an emergency, is advised to put their oxygen mask on before the child’s, we must take care of ourselves first or we will not be able to take care of our patients.
The HCMA’s major reason for existence is to take care of our physicians. That’s what we do. That is who we are. When physician burnout became recognized as a major issue several years ago, we set up a model program for our physicians. It is staffed by quality psychologists, totally confidential with no di- agnosis or records kept, and completely free. When our com- petitors such as pharmacists, optometrists, and chiropractors were trying to practice medicine, despite having minimal or no training, the HCMA traveled to Tallahassee to represent us and protect our patients’ best interests. When COVID was devastat- ing our county and vaccines were scarce, the HCMA worked hard to find vaccines so that our members could be protected.
In addition, when masks and gloves were in short supply and price gouging was rampant, the HCMA found a source to sup- ply them to our members at affordable prices.
In addition, the HCMA provides (pre-COVID and soon to restart in the fall) forums and meetings where physicians can mingle and enjoy the company of their fellow physicians. With the advent of hospitalists and other specialties, so many physi- cians no longer go to the hospital and don’t have an opportunity to interact with their fellow physicians. We humans have a basic hunger or need to be with those who have shared like experi- ences, and physicians are no different. The HCMA meetings provide this unique opportunity. Our boards and committees do important work for patients and the community. We also provide forums for female physicians, young physicians, and retired physicians.
Our HCMA is among the best in the entire country. We are over 2400 strong. Our diverse membership includes pri- vate practitioners, a wonderful USF Medical School with their students and faculty, and most recently, Moffitt Cancer Center. In the future, we will become a regional power as the smaller counties who need representation at the state and national lev- els, will hopefully be joining us. The quality of our Executive and Administrative Staff lead by the brilliant and innovative Debbie Zorian, cannot be over-stated; they make us the envy of every county in Florida.
We have been so very fortunate to have had the leadership this past year of Dr. Michael Cromer. He has been not only completely virtual but virtuous! With his clear eyed focus, and unwavering good humor, he has gotten us through this most “interesting” year. He will be an impossible act to follow. He has been one of the most talented presidents in our history at dealing with, and understanding, the complexities of the leg- islative process and protecting his fellow physicians from toxic legal morasses. In addition, along with Dr. Malcolm Root our erstwhile Board Chair, and our Executive Director extraordi- naire Debbie Zorian, he completed the sale of our old build- ing and has left the HCMA in a strong financial position that should ensure our survival for many years to come.
Who has your back? The HCMA does!
Let us rise from the ashes of these COVID times and fly ever higher. This is going to be a great year!
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 67, No. 1 – Summer 2021

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