Page 23 - RNT Maclaren brochure English ed. 2019
P. 23
Indulge in this host country’s service oriented
excellence which you’ll no doubt find detectable CANNES
within its premium five star hotels, superior th th
wine and dining opportunities and endless event Sept. 29 – Oct. 4
offerings. As the premier Asiatic Region, F1
favourite, it’s a bonafide ritzy annual gathering
spot for fans from home and afar, who want to
see fast speeds, gasp at tight tracks and explore
distinguished, exotic surrounds.
The high speed excitement of the Singapore
Grand Prix features enigmatic entertainment
with no scrimp on expense. Marvel at the high
attention to detail by this five star host country,
and learn from its inspired coordination and The Tax Free World Exhibition & Conference
event streamlining. The top octane event was event is a duty free and travel retailers
originally developed by 2007 Formula One CEO absolute haven. This unmissable international
Bernie Ecclestone, alongside well-known gathering will see more than 3,000 traveler-
domestic entrepreneur Ong Beng Seng, with the oriented brands in attendance, while directly
support of the Singapore Tourism Board. In reaching more than 2,000 key player retailers
2019, it’s now an iconic racing event thanks to and major international executives. This
its unique atmosphere and original presentation. bustling Cannes event attracts over 12,000
professionals annually and invites ner
The race is based on the Marina Bay public exhibits, sponsors and licensees each year.
roads, where they’re transformed into Interested in increasing your brand or
blockbuster movie style scenes with strong business exposure? Be sure to apply for an
lighting and powerfully illuminated tracks. exhibit permit (note: applicants must be
Though it’s not an easy circuit, and now has a brand-owners, worldwide distributors or
reputation as one of the hardest tracks out there licensees).
across all racing circuits to date! For a fascinating, global-scale, magnificent
Fernando Alonso captures the experience best window shop in an exciting industry-wide
when he says that “Singapore is a bit like the forum, the Tax Free World Exhibition &
Monaco of the East - it’s a very glamorous circuit Conference is unmissable. Network one on
in the centre of the city and the atmosphere is one with notable industry influencers, and
incredible” from the 29th of September to the 4th of
October, review the wide range of over 500
But the race is not the only reason to attend - companies in attendance, so that you can
enjoy exclusive, exotic, handpicked domestic benefit from trend insights and innovations
and international acts that create a one-of-a- prior to market release.
kind event tone for partying and celebrating well Stimulate your ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking with
into the early hours of the morning! multiple peer-driven events, workshops and Events