Page 4 - Luxury Villas 2019r
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Our Expertise                                        Our Philosophy

      Welcome to RNT Maclaren luxury villas, the             Luxury is personal and nobody
     expert in luxury villas and yachting activities         understands that better than the team at
     in Greece. Understanding our guests is the              RNT Maclaren Luxury Villas. Our
     building block for creating truly                       philosophy is all about delivering the
     personalised experiences, which is why our              perfect luxury vacation experience to
     services are designed around both people                make your vacation unforgettable. Our
     and places. With our wealth of experience               portfolio of properties covers different
     and intimate knowledge of the Greek                     destinations and villas, each of which
     islands, you are assured of the best possible           offers its own unique style and aesthetics
     luxury home away from home without                      to exceed your expectations via the
     compromise on standards and quality.                    amenities and services.

     Our aim is to provide bespoke services that             Choose between dreamy beachfront villas
     is individually tailored for an authentic               in Crete and Corfu that evokes escape,
     luxury experience. Our team provides a                  relaxation and wellbeing or enjoy the
     complete service by working directly with               privacy and seclusion you’ve been longing
     property owners to access the best villas in            for in the idyllic hideaway in Spetses,
     the industry so you can count on                        Santorini and Zakynthos with unending
     unmatched in-destination service.                       Mediterranean views. Or choose an
     You will find stunning beachfront locations             elegantly designed lush retreat amid the
     and contemporary villas with unforgettable              simple, unhurried beauty of the Greek
     views, breath-taking glamour and private                landscapes with thick olive groves and
     pools perfect for families and couples. Enjoy           modern architectural marvels for that
     the freedom to do what you want, when                   large group of friends. Even if you are
     you want. Escape the restrictions. Discover             looking for a luxury villa for your dreamy
     the joy only Greece can provide in the best             Greek wedding, the endless possibilities
     luxury villas across the islands with RNT               await you!
     Maclaren Luxury Villas.
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