Page 8 - November 2019 Listings by UC Great Lakes Realty & Auction
P. 8

9572 COUNTY RD 489, ATLANTA             11700 OAK STREET, ATLANTA
         CROOKED  LAKE  CABIN/HOUSE              40 ACRES WITH FRONTAGE             18840 ANGLING RD, ATLANTA
         Across  from  Crooked  Lake  public    Little  Grass  Lake  3-Bedroom  2-Bath   NEAR  ALL  SPORTS  RUSH  LAKE
         access.    Completely  remodeled  and   Home with Large Open Concept Layout.   4 Bedroom home  with Wood stove in
         move  in  ready  mostly  furnished.  Put   Acreage  has  Large  Mature  Trees  that   the  living  room  helps  keep  heating
         your fishing boat or kayak in Crooked   have not been cut in many years. Only   costs  down,  spacious  decks  in  the
         Lake, a no wake lake with great fish-  a  couple  properties  have  access  to   front and back, and a large screened-
         ing.    ATV  trails  that will  take  you  all   Lake.  Great Fishing.     in  porch,    spacious  2  car  garage  to

         through the Northwoods.        $89,000           $120,000                store all your toys.                  $79,900

          9495 CLEWLEY ROAD, LACHINE            9430 LAKESIDE DRIVE, ATLANTA          13300 WEST SHORE DR IVE,
         Almost  directly  the  street  from  all-  With Addition on Crooked Lake Atlanta,   RAINY  LAKE—OWNER  BUILT
         sports Beaver Lake.  This completely   MI.  Paved  County  Maintained  Road   2006  Four  bedroom  home  with  tongue
                                                                                  and  groove  throughout,  a  gorgeous
         finished  three  story  chalet  is  literally   minutes from Downtown Atlanta. 153 Ft   stone  fireplace  in  the  open  floor  plan.
         move-in  ready.  Enter  from  the  lower   of  Lake  Frontage.  Crooked  Lake  is  a   Main floor has a half bath and bedrooms
         level to the coffee (or wet) bar before   Quiet Now Wake lake with Paved Boat   are upstairs with a full bath. Engineered
         the brand new finished bedroom with   Launch and a Beach at the Co Rd 487   septic.  Rainy  Lake  is  182  acres  with  a
         egress window next to a full bath. The           $92,000                 max  depth  of  98  ft.  and  has  no  public
         main  level  has  the  privacy  we  all                                  access. Great fishing for walleye, perch,
         crave.  Have  year  round  fun  on  the                                  bass,  northern  pike,  lake  trout  and  pan
         deck  surrounding  a  bedroom  suite,                                    fish.  There  is  state  land  nearby  for
         full  kitchen,  and  wall-to-wall  nature                                hunting.  The  ORV/Snowmobile  Trail  is
         views. The loft is just fun. Pack all the                                right  down  the  road.  Less  than  an  hour
         kids  in  there.  Welcome  to  your                                      from  the  Mackinaw  Bridge,  Cheboygan
         second home!                                                             or Rogers City.
                      $124,900                                                                 $245,000

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