Page 7 - February 2020 Listings by United Country Great Lakes Realty & Auction
P. 7


                                                                                  GET 1 FREE

                                                                                 Tickets Available
                                                                                  At Our Office!

                                                                                  Whether It’s

                                                                         Hunting, Fishing, Boating,

                                                                       Canoeing, Hiking, Mushroom

                                                                         Hunting or Bird Watching,
                                                                                  This Is The

                                                                           Show Of The Year!

                     FEBRUARY 27—MARCH 1, 2020

                                      Stop By Our Booth #5617

                   PRESTIGIOUS                 12147 DAVIS STREET, ATLANTA         E LIME ISLAND ROAD,  LOT 31
               STANDERSON ISLAND                 VERSATILE WATERFRONT                     GOETZVILLE, MI
                                            Main frontage on No Wake Crooked Lake to
                  AKA ISLAND #9             the  South;  Crooked  Creek  follows  Eastern   UNSURPASSED
         Part  of  Drummond  Twp.  MI.  Capital-  shoreline.  Crooked  Lake  allows  motorboats
         ize  on  this  rare  opportunity  to  Pos-  and  has  excellent  fishing.  Kayak  Crooked   Tranquil sunrise waterfront & freighter
         sess  your  Personal  Private  Island  in   Creek  to  experience  beautiful  natural  views.   view  property  in  the  UP.  Vacant,
         this Northern Michigan Water & Sand   Property  has  power  and  appears  to  be  a   former  home  location  with  good
                                            wonderful  building  spot  with  mild  sloping  to
         Wonderland.                        the  lake,  and  is  between  two  subdivisions   elevation  on  St.  Mary's  River.  The
                                            with  established  year  round  homes  on  a   sellers will divide.
                      $252,000              paved  road.  Wooded  lots  across  the  street
                                            add even more privacy.                      $45,000   $99,500

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