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P. 80

Esta es una magnifica variedad sin semilla negra que madura justo antes de Autumn Royal. El color se

                        consigue sin necesidad de ethrel. Granos grandes, totalmente aromatizadas y textura crujiente.

                        Calibre: 22 + mm

                        Brix: 200 +

                        This is a magnificent, black, seedless variety that ripens just before Autumn Royal. Its colour is

                        achieved without the need for Ethrel. Large and totally aromatic grapes with a crisp texture.

                        Size: 22 + mm

                        Brix: 200 +

                        ௮ฤ൞၂ᇕ٤ӈႪᇉ֥֥ޑ೤໭ሮ௖ᇕđᄝ"VUVNO 3PZBMᆭభӮඃb ໭ླၙ༖০ࣼॖၛӯགྷԛః೤ᄶb ն॒৬đ

                        ᆰࣥğ22 ݸ૜
                        Ϣ০บ؇ğ200 +

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