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Dear instructors of High Achievers,
Welcome to the High Achievers community! I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your
great efforts to develop your students and centre. I am also so proud of you because KEM can have
instructors who have never given up and kept the willingness to suit and overcome any
circumstances in the hard times. We are heading to recover from a hard time in the Covid-19
situation by working with our loved instructors and the Kumon office.
I respect from the bottom of my heart your strong belief and willingness to adapt to the situation and
create a new norm like hybrid classes and so on.
Additionally, we learned from both of the HA sessions that effective involvement of assistants and
communication activity with parents and students are definitely the factor to develop the centre.
I believe Tablet learning and EFL activities are also necessary to make assistants more involved.
Especially, Tablet learning will help the communication activities more convenient and effectively.
Lastly, I believe that your achievement makes our Kumon brand a more powerful brand as the
education services in Malaysia because you can learn from more and more students in your
instruction and can share precious wisdom among the instructors. And then our network will
definitely unite more strongly.
We are looking forward to learning from you and so excited to work together. I wish you all the best
for your development of the centre.
Lastly, I hope the gift from the office helps your centre.