Page 4 - MHelbig_ColorAnalysis
P. 4
Soft Bright
As you can see from the above color wheels your skin appears brighter with the colors on the
right. That’s not to say you cannot wear the other colors, only that your best are bright colors
that accent your deep eyes and make your skin glow. We also confirmed your cool
undertones when we were together with the draping. Your best colors will be bright hues
with cool undertones.
Your inner nature is confident and strong, yet reserved, graceful and elegant. You tend to lean
towards a style that is complimentary to that inner nature. Simple design lines, more tailored
styles and with fabrics that offer a little more structure yet remain comfortable. Your gift is
your analytical nature. With all the details, comes a keen sense of awareness and the ability to
see the big picture and constantly seek ways to improve things. You may tend to be a
perfectionist, but your awareness of this will keep you from allowing it to hold you back. You
are your own authority and this shows through with your inner confidence. For you the most
important aspect of your wardrobe is the fit of each piece. More often than not, items need
to be slightly altered for the most perfect fit. When choosing new clothing, remember the
pg. 4 Color Analysis for Macy Helbig