Page 26 - 04 The Waldenses
P. 26

missionaries,  everyone  who  expected  to

               enter the ministry being required first to gain

               an  experience  as  an  evangelist.  Each  was  to

               serve  three  years  in  some  mission  field

               before  taking  charge  of  a  church  at  home.

               This  service,  requiring  at  the  outset  self-

               denial and sacrifice, was a fitting introduction

               to  the  pastor's  life  in  those  times  that  tried

               men's  souls.  The  youth  who  received

               ordination  to  the  sacred  office  saw  before

               them, not the prospect of earthly wealth and

               glory,  but  a  life  of  toil  and  danger,  and

               possibly  a  martyr's  fate.  The  missionaries

               went out two and two, as Jesus sent forth His

               disciples. With each young man  was  usually

               associated a man of age and experience, the

               youth  being  under  the  guidance  of  his

               companion, who was held responsible for his

               training,  and  whose  instruction  he  was

               required to heed. These colaborers were not
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