Page 35 - 04 The Waldenses
P. 35

themselves wholly upon the merits of Jesus,

               repeating  the  words,  “Without  faith  it  is

               impossible  to  please  Him.”  Hebrews  11:6.

               “There  is  none  other  name  under  heaven

               given  among  men,  whereby  we  must  be

               saved.” Acts 4:12.

               The assurance of a Saviour's love seemed too

               much for some of these poor tempest-tossed

               souls to realize. So great was the relief which

               it  brought,  such  a  flood  of  light  was  shed

               upon them, that they seemed transported to

               heaven. Their hands were laid confidingly in

               the  hand  of  Christ;  their  feet  were  planted

               upon the Rock of Ages. All fear of death was

               banished.  They  could  now  covet  the  prison

               and the fagot if they might thereby honor the

               name of their Redeemer.

               In  secret  places  the  word  of  God  was  thus

               brought forth and read, sometimes to a single
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