Page 35 - Annual Report 2018
P. 35

Notes to the  nancial statements (continued) Heidelberg District Community Enterprise Limited
delberg District Community Enterprise Limited
Notes to the Financial Statements es to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 30 June 2018
for the year ended 30 June 2018 e year ended 30 June 2018
NNootte 5. ExpeEnxpsenses Expenses
Depreciation of non-current assets: ation of non-current assets:
nd equipment - plant and equipment
2018 2017 2018
5,415 4,231
- leasehold improvements old improvements
17,782 19,257
16,500 16,500
258 4,828
4,144 4,599
20,708 21,280
68,648 66,854
52 55 237 516
17,782 gs 16,500
- buildings vehicle - motor vehicle
Amortisation of non-current assets: ation of non-current assets:
ise agreement - franchise agreement
- franchise renewal fee
Finance costs: - interest paid
Bad debts
Note 6. Income tax expense
The components of tax expense comprise: mponents of tax expense comprise:
4,599 20,708
55 516
115,447 5,809
440,931 121,256
(9,721) (338)
5,809 121,256
25,927 1,010,250
ise renewal fee
costs: t paid
Note 6. Income tax expense Income tax expense
t tax
ment in deferred tax
107,372 6,938
- Current tax
- Movement in deferred tax
5,809 114,31021,256
ma facie tax on pTrhoefipt rfirmoma foarcdieintarxyoanctpivriotifeitsfbroemforoerdinincoarmyeactatixvities before income tax ciled to the incoismrectoanx ceixlepdentosethaes finocllomwse tax expense as follows
ng profit Operating profit
acie tax on profiPt rfirmoma foarcdieintarxyoanctpivriotifeitsfarot m27o.5r%din(2a0ry17a:ct2i7vi.t5ie%s)at 27.5% (2017: 27.5%)
415,674240,931 114,31021,256
- 4,250
(6,938()9,721) - (338)
6,938 5,809 114,31021,256
336,07825,927 530,12,50010,250
effect of: Add tax effect of: eductible expen-senson-deductible expenses
difference expe-ntsimesing difference expenses deductible expe-nosethser deductible expenses
ent in deferred Mtaxovement in deferred tax
Cash andNcNaoosthtee7q.uCivalsehnCtassnh dancdacsahsheeqquivallenntsts bank and on haCnadsh at bank and on hand
posits Term deposits
Heidelberg District Community Enterprise Limited
2018 $$
a) Reconciliation to cash flow statement
Note 7.(a) Reconciliation to cash flow statement
2018 $
$$ 4,231

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