Page 43 - Annual Report 2018
P. 43
payable monthly.The Heidelberg lease is a non-cancellable lease with a five-year term which ends on 1 July 2019. Rent is payable monthly.
Nteot2e12. 1. AuAduitNdoiort'toser'e2sm1re.umnuenrAaeutridaoitntiorn's remuneration Note 21. Auditor's remuneration
Notes to the nancial statements (continued) Note 21. Auditor's remuneration
mAomuonutsnrtescreicveidvAeomdr odrundetuasenredancredeicvreidcveaoibvrlaedbubleybathynedthreceivable by the Amounts received or due and receivable by the
dauitdoirtorf othf ethceomcaopumadnpityaonfroyorf:fotrh: e company for: auditorofthecomAmpaonuyntfosr:eceivedordueandreceivablebythe
udauitdaitndanrdevrievwie-swaeursdveirctveaiscnedsreview services
- audit and reviewausdeirtvoirceosf the company for:
5,650,6000 5,600
5,6550,5000 5,500
5,500 4,418
onoanudauitdsietrsveircve-iscneosn audit services
-nonauditservic-easuditandreviewservices 3,720
Nteot2e22. 2. Note 22.
Director and related party disclosures
Note 22. Director and related party disclosures
20210818 2018
9,320 202107817
For the year ended 30 June 2018
3,732,7020 9,392,3020
34,74421,40818 5,6040,418
- non audit services DirDeicrNteocorttoeaern2da2n.r2del.raeDtelDaidtirepedcactrptotoayrrdatynaisdcnilrsodecsluoraertseulsdaretpseadrtypdaisrctlyosduriessclosures
9,39921,90818 3,720
9,918 4,418
9,918 2017
$ 2017
303,500,5000 30,500
yKeMyaMnagneamgeemnteKnPeteyrPseMornsaonneanlgReelmRmeunmntuePnreaertsrioaotnionnel Remuneration Key Management Personnel Remuneration
2018 $ $
Key Management Personnel Remuneration Deicrteocrtso' rRse' RmeumnueDnraierteriaoctniorns' Remuneration
353,25,2050 35,250
353,25,2050 35,250
DtaeitleadilerdemreumnuenraDetreiaottaniioldenidsdcrilesocmsluoursneusererasrteaiorpnerodpvirsiodcvleoidseuindretisnheathrrempreruomnvuiednreaedtriaointniotrhneepreoreprtmo,ruitnn,cielnurcadltueiodneadrseapsaorprtato,rtifnotchfluethdeirdeiacrtseocprtsao'rrtrseo'prfeotprhtoe.rdt.irectors' report. Detailed remuneration disclosures are provided in the remuneration report, included as part of the directors' report.
Directors' Remuneration
3053,5205,5000 30,500
Directors' Remuneration
353,0523,5205,5000 30,500
Detailed remuneration disclosures are provided in the remuneration report, included as part of the directors' report.
DeicrteocrtoSrhaSrheahreohldDoiinlrdgeisnctg-osOr-rSdOhirandraeirnhyaorslyhdasinrhegasref-usOlflryudlpliynaaipdrayidshares fully paid Director Shareholdings - Ordinary shares fully paid
13173,970,9303 137,903
31361,468,4585 316,485
272,77,7373 27,773
34344,245,2858 344,258
2018 878,576,5060
Director Shareholdings - Ordinary shares fully paid DtaeitleadilesdhasrheahreohldDoienldtgiandilgeisdcilsohcslauorseuhsroealsrdeainrpegrodpvirsiodcvleoidseuindretisnheathrrempreruomnvuiednreaedtriaointniotrhneepreoreprtmo,ruitnn,cielnurcadltueiodneadrseapsaorprtato,rtifnotchfluethdeirdeiacrtseocprtsao'rrtrseo'prfeotprhtoe.rdt.irectors'report.
87,560 Detailed shareholding disclosures are provided in the remuneration report, included as part of the directors' report.
Detailed shareholding disclosures are provided in the remuneration report, included as part of the directors' report.
Nteot2e32. 3. DivDidivNeidnoedtensdp2sr3op.vriodveiDdeifvdoidrfeonrdopsrapipdraoidvided for or paid
Note 23. Dividends provided for or paid
Note 23. Dividends provided for or paid
Note 23. Dividends provided for or paid
a.DivDidiveinddens dpsapida.didudrDiunivrgidnteghnetdhysepayareiadrduring the year a. Dividends paid during the year
a. Dividends paid during the year PriPorioyerayreaproppropseoPdsreifodinrfayilnealrproposedfinal
Prior year proposed final
Prior year proposed final
10100%0(%20(21071: 170: 100%10)0%f0r)a%fnr(ka2en0dk1ed7di:vd1idi0ve0idn%ed)n-fdr6a-cn6eknectedsnd(t2isv0(id21e07n1: d57:-c5e6ncctesn)ttpss)e(pr2es0hr1as7rh:ea5recents) per share
1131471,9410,9319 114,919
114,919 114,919
216,244 216,244
68,800 68,800
285,044 285,044
285,044 285,044
31 31
237,869 53,785
(43,590) 216,244
2017 $
100% (2017: 100%) franked dividend - 6 cents (2017: 5 cents) per share
100% (2017: 100%) franked dividend - 6 cents (2017: 5 cents) per share eThteaxtaraxtreataet awthwTicheicdhtiavdxidirveaidntednsadthswavheaicvbhedbeineveifdnreafnrkadensdkheiasdv2eis7b2.5e7%e.5n(%2fr0a(21n07k1:e27d7:i2.s572%.75)..%5%). (2017: 27.5%).
The tax rate at which dividends have been franked is 27.5% (2017: 27.5%).
The tax rate at which dividends have been franked is 27.5% (2017: 27.5%).
b.FraFnrakinkginagccaocbuc.ontunbFtraablananklacinengceaccount balance b. Franking accobu. ntFbranlaknincge account balance
FraFnrkainkgincgrecdreitdsiatsvFaraivlanabkililanebgfloecrfeosduribstusebaqsveuaqeilunabtelnretpfroeorprtsoiunrbtgisnpegeqpruieoerdniotsdraesrpeao:rret:ing periods are: Franking credits aFvrainlakbinleg cforerdsiutsbsaevqaiulaebnlterfeoprosrutbinsegqpueerniotdrespaorert:ing periods are:
- - frafnrkainkginagccaocu-conut nbftraalbananklcainengcaeascacstoatuhtnethebenaedlanondfceothfaetshfaeintfatinhcaeinaeclniyadel oayref athre financial year - franking acco- untfbranlaknincgeacscoatuntht ebaelnadncoef aths eatfitnhaenecniadl oyef athr e financial year
231261,24648,24544 316,241865,244
frafnrkainkgincgrecdreitdsithsfarttahnawktiilwnl agilrlciasrereidsferitosfmrtohmpaatypwmaiylelmnaetrinosetf oifnrfcoionmmcopematyeamxteaxnstaostfathitnetchoeenmedentdax as at the end
- - -
franking credits that will arise from payment of income tax as at the end
- - ofothfethfeinfaincainacliyaelaoyrefathrefinancialyear
of the financial year
franking credits that will arise from payment of income tax as at the end
of the financial year
FraFnrkainkgincgrecdreitdsiatsvFaraivlanabkililanebgfloecrfeofudrtiftusrteauvrfaeinilfainbcaleinacfloirarelpfrueotprutorinertgifnipngeaprnieocridaiosl:dresp: orting periods: Franking credits available for future financial reporting periods:
23842548,02545,04844 344,258
Franking credits available for future financial reporting periods:
eidelberg District Community Enterprise Limited
23842548,02545,04844 344,258
Heidelberg District Community Enterprise Limited
Net franking credits available
Net franking credits available
oct.RecRsoencoctinloicaitliatotnhioco.nef ofrRfaFefnrciakoninkcgainlaiagnctcaiocnucionoatufnbfltraablSananktlacinaengcteaeccmounet bnalatnsce c. Reconciliation of franking account balance
c. ReconciliatioNn of ftreanskintgoacctohunet bFalainceancial Statements the year ended 30 June 2018
for the year ended 30 June 2018
Reconciliation of franking account balance as at the end of the financial year Reconciliation of franking account balance as at the end of the financial year
3131 31
Opening balance
Opening balance
61,776 (52,308)
237,869 216,244
- franking credits from the payment of income tax instalments during the year
- franking credits from the payment of income tax instalments during the year
- franking credits/(debits) from the payment/(refund) of income tax following of
- franking credits/(debits) from the payment/(refund) of income tax following of
lodgement income ltoadxgremtuerntsincome tax returns
- franking debits -fromfrtahnekipngaydmebeintst forof mfultlhyefrpaanykmedendtivoifdfeunlldy sfranked dividends
53,785 90,773
61,7(3716,820) (52,3(4038,)590)
316,485 216,244
Closing balance
Closing balance
Heidelberg District Community Enterprise Limited
Note 24. Earnings per share e 24. Earnings per share
$ 2017
$ $ $
2017 $ $
20210818 2018
202107817 2017
2017 2017
878,576,5060 87,560
87,560 87,560
2018 $$