Page 45 - Annual Report 2018
P. 45

Notes to the  nancial statements (continued) Heidelberg District Community Enterprise Limited
Heidelberg District Community Enterprise Limited Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 30 June 2018
Notes to the Financial Statements
for the year ended 30 June 2018
Nfottreet30h2.e9Fin.yaFenicaniaral inensnctridaumeldeint3s0truJumnen2ts018 FFiinanciall IInssttrruumeennt tCComompopsoitsioitnioannadnMdaMtuartituyriAtynaAlynsaislysis
Note 30. Financial instruments
The table below re ects the undiscounted contractual settlement terms for all  nancial instruments, as well as the settlement
The table below reflects the undiscounted contractual settlement terms for all financial instruments, as well as the settlement period for
period for instruments with a  xed period of maturity and interest rate.
iFnisntarunmcieanl tIsnswtirtuhma efinxet dCopemripoodsoitfiomnataunrdityManadtuinriteyrAesntarlaytsei.s
Financial instrument Floating interest
instruments with a fixed period of maturit1yyaeanrdorilnestserest 1 to 5 years Over 5 years
Non interest bearing Weighted average
Financial instrument Financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Financial liabilities Financial assets
Interest bearing liabilities Cash and cash equivalents
Payables Receivables
Over 1 to 5 years Over 5 years
%Weighted average
2018 2017 2018 2017
$ Floating in$terest $ $
1 year or less
F2i0xe18d interes2t0r1a7te mat2u0ri1n8g in 2017
$ $ $ $
2017 2018 Non$ interest b%earing
Fixed interest rate maturing in
The table below reflects the undiscounted contractual settlement terms for all financial instruments, as well as the settlement period for
Financial liabilities
Net Fair Values
Net Fair Values
1,0661 1,012
- I
- I
- I
Interest bearing liabilities
- 13,802 15,631 -I-I-III
2s,s22018 336,0278017 1,010,2s2o018 530,2502017 2018 - 2017 2018 - 2014700 2041080 II-I-II
210.6168 N/A%
, %
CthrebdailatnRceishkeet and notes to the financial statements.
not have any unrecognised financial instruments at the year end.
There are no material credit risk exposures to any single debtor or group of debtors under financial instruments entered into by the
$ $ 194$,494 188,$649 -I- -I- -I- -I- 1
$ $ $
$ $
N/A$ s.2sl
-I -I
15,631 194,4941
- I
- 1,0661 1,012 - - -
2s,s21 336,078 1,010,2so 530,250
-I 13,802 - -I- -I- -I-
N/A I N/A 188,649 N/A
- - - -
The net fair values of financial assets and liabilities approximate the carrying values as disclosed in the balance sheet. The company does
- -
Payables -
The net fair values of  nancial assets and liabilities approximate the carrying values as disclosed in the balance sheet. The
not have any unrecognised financial instruments at the year end.
company does not have any unrecognised  nancial instruments at the year end.
The maximum exposure to credit risk at balance date to recognised financial assets is the carrying amount of those assets as disclosed in
The net fair values of financial assets and liabilities approximate the carrying values as disclosed in the balance sheet. The company does
Credit Risk
The maximum exposure to credit risk at balance date to recognised  nancial assets is the carrying amount of those assets as
economic entity.
disclosed in the balance sheet and notes to the  nancial statements.
The maximum exposure to credit risk at balance date to recognised financial assets is the carrying amount of those assets as disclosed in
Interest Rate Risk
There are no material credit risk exposures to any single debtor or group of debtors under  nancial instruments entered into by
the balance sheet and notes to the financial statements.
the economic entity.
Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the value of a financial instrument or cash flows associated with the instrument will fluctuate due
There are no material credit risk exposures to any single debtor or group of debtors under financial instruments entered into by the to changes in market interest rates. Interest rate risk arises from the interest bearing financial assets and liabilities in place subject to
veacroianboleminicternetsityra. tes, as outlined above.
Interest Rate Risk
Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the value of a  nancial instrument or cash  ows associated with the instrument will  Tuhcetucoamtepdauney htoascphearnfogremseind smeansrkiteivtitiyntaenraelysstisrarteelast.inIngtetoreitssterxapteosruisrek taorisnetesrfersotmrateherisinktaetrebsatlabneceardinagte . nThainscsieanlsaitsivsietytsanaanldysis
Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the value of a financial instrument or cash flows associated with the instrument will fluctuate due
ldiaebmiloitniesstraintepslathceesfufebcjtecotnttohevacruiarrbelnetiyneteareressturlatsteasn,daesqouuitylinwehdicahbcovueld. result from a change in interest rates.
to changes in market interest rates. Interest rate risk arises from the interest bearing financial assets and liabilities in place subject to
Avas raita3b0leJuinter2e0s1t8r,atthese, fafescotuotnlinperodfiat banodve.quity as a result of changes in interest rate, with all other variables remaining constant would be as follows:
Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity Analysis
The company has performed sensitivity analysis relating to i2ts01e8xposure to inte2r0e1s7t rate risk at balance date. This sensitivity
The company has performed sensitivity analysis relating to its exposure to interest rate risk at balance date. This sensitivity analysis
analysis demonstrates the effect on the current year results and equity which could result from a change in interest rates.
demonstrates the effect on the current year results and equity which could result from a change in interest rates. ACshantg3e0inJupnroefi2t/0(l1o8ss,}the effect on pro t and equity as a result of changes in interest rate, with all other variables remaining
cAInoscnraseta3sne0tinJwuoinuteledr2eb0se1t 8ra,stehfobelyloe1wf%fse:ct on profit and equity as a res1u0l,t34o7f changes in in8t,6e5r3est rate, with all other variables remaining constant
Decrease in interest rate by 1% {10,347} would be as follows:
Change in equity 2018 Increase in interest rate by 1% 10,347 $
8,653 {8,653}
8,653 {8,653}
Decrease in interest rate by 1% {10,347}
8,653 {8,653}
Change in profit/(loss}
Increase in interest rate by 1% Decrease in interest rate by 1%
Change in equity
Increase in interest rate by 1% Decrease in interest rate by 1%
10,347 {10,347}
10,347 {10,347}
Heidelberg District Community Enterprise Limited
-I -I
-I -I

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