Page 3 - Travco Travel USA brochure V7
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ABOUT Travco Group is an international
company with local heritage. It
has a footprint across the globe,
TRAVCO GROUP yet it is proud of its legacy that
started in Egypt back in 1979.
With an experienced management
team and unique partnerships,
Travco Group Travco is a remarkable local
player and international brand,
operating not only in the travel
and hospitality, but also through
vast diverse industries including
Travco Group is an international aviation, real estate development,
company with local heritage. It engineering and construction,
has a footprint across the globe, security services, transportation,
yet it is proud of its legacy that retail, and merchandise; creating an
started in Egypt back in 1979. international integrated platform that
With an experienced management consistently delivers on its promise of
team and unique partnerships, delivering the highest value, world-
Travco is a remarkable local class endless experience and beyond.
player and international brand,
operating not only in the travel
and hospitality, but it also through
vast diverse industries including
aviation, real estate development,
engineering and construction,
security services, transportation,
retail, and merchandise; creating
an international integrated
platform that consistently delivers
on its promise of delivering the
highest value, world-class endless
experience and beyond.